is anyone here successfully using Halion Sonic 3 with Cantabile?
I’m already in touch with Brad, but we haven’t found a solution…
So do any of you use Halion Sonic 3 without any problems?
I would be very happy to receive some answers.
Cantabile crashes when loading the set list when Halion Sonic is loaded. Strange that this usually happens when I load XPAND!2. It seems the two have a problem with each other.
I tested with Studio One Pro 3.5 and Reaper, without Problems…
i just started with cantabile (build 3532)
I did some testing with HS 3.1 and did not have any crashes so far.
Preloading Setlists worked fine.
Steffen - almost a year later, are you having issues still with Sonic? I have Halon Sonic 3 (HS3) , and get constant crashes. I’ve made it better by throwing in 4.5 second delays on song unload, but that is hard to deal with when playing live. I am also seeing lots of issues with my MIDI controller - a Korg NanoKontrol Studio, where it will all of a sudden stop being responsive on drum pads, and otherwise locking up. It is hard to tell if the issue is with HS3 or the MIDI controller, guess I can test by trying another MIDI controller
No DAW on this laptop. It’s exclusively used for live performance. NanoKontrol - now that you state that yours behaves well, mine did once take a nasty drop, but nothing broke. Maybe it made connectors / circuits intermittent. I will try another controller and see if the instability continues.
Halion Sonic 3 crashes Cantabile, even I load it via Setlist.
If I load it in a new Song (Existing linked Rack) it did not crash cantabile.
So my workaround is:
Start Cantabile
2.Load the HS3 Linked Rack
Load the Setlist with all other Plugins.
Strange, but this is the only solution for my to playing my setlist.