Guitar USB interface


I wonder if anyone has experience of using Cantabile Lite with a USB interface and guitar ? I have previously used the ZOOM H1 with Audacity and the H1 was recognised, but when I try with Cantabile only the H1 headphone option exists. The microphone inputs in Cantabile are unassigned and I can’t see an option to route them to the USB interface.

I am very new to this way of recording and maybe I am on the wrong track (sorry for the pun) but is Cantabile Lite suitable for adding guitar to an imported Wikiloops track ?


Hi Steve,

Sounds like you might be trying to use a WASAPI driver which at the moment only supports audio output (no audio input support yet).

If this is the case, try using ASIO4ALL, or the ASIO driver that came with your sound card.

Or, let me know if I’ve completely misunderstood the problem.


Hi Brad,

Yes, that’s correct it’s the Wasapi driver that I can see. I will give the ASIO4ALL a try, and thanks very much for your reply.
