Graduations on the meter

Continuing the discussion from Other uses for Songs:

@brad what do you think about this idea? Neil thought it would be very helpful, and I would use it too. Thanks

Sounds like a good idea but wondering if it belongs in the in-rack meters, or would this be better in a separate “mixer panel” which would show each input/output port in a lot more detail (eg: individual channel meters etc).

The in rack meters are small and close together so I think the mixer panel would be the most visible if we are going to show the numbers. There could still be a few unmarked but explained notches on the rack meters for quick reference. So the answer is either or both! :smile: @Neil_Durant might have some input too.

I think we need to think carefully about the use case for metering, as I think it might be different from the usual mixing desk / DAW use case where you’re listening to a mix. As software intended as a live host, I imagine we’re typically playing a small number of sounds at once, rather than listening to and tweaking a big multi-channel mix. I’m guessing we’re using metering for reasons such as to see if our peaks are getting dangerously high for our output device (limiter notwithstanding), to tweak input levels, or to set reference levels for a keyboard rig etc.

So actually I wonder whether the typical “mixer panel” seen in DAWs with a load of meters and faders really is what we need? What levels do we care about accurate metering for in Cantabile? For me I think it would primarily be the audio inputs and outputs. And potentially the level on the output channels of a plugin/rack - may just the currently selected one. That I think would be sufficient for most things, and allow accurate reading of actual levels. Perhaps constraining the number of meters to just what a live host needs might allow it to co-reside with the other existing controls, rather than needing a separate panel and requiring us to switch back and forth.

And I think something like that would compliment the existing metering for each rack, which feels best for working out which plugins/racks are making a sound, and a rough idea of level, but aren’t great for precise level adjustment.

I’d also really like good graduated level meters for audio inputs and especially outputs in the “live mode” idea.

And while we’re on the subject of setting levels, can I just drop in a reminder here about the fader-snapping bug where it seems impossible to set a plugin/rack gain to a value between 0 and 2.2dB. Constant irritation when trying to refine levels…

How about this idea. Instead of the “hi res” meter being in a “mixer panel” maybe we could just click on the meter or volume slider of the slot meter we want to expand, click on the big meter to shrink and allow for a few to be open at once. Or expand when we move the slider and shrink when we release the slider. (the volume knob already expands so it would just mean both would expand and shrink together) Just a few ideas…

I’m not sure how the “a few open at once” bit would work - the expanded slider thing feels like a very temporary window just for an adjustment, rather than something to keep open.

I had some thoughts for different user interface ideas for metering:

  • A pop-out panel on the right that shows a number of long vertical meters, working symmetrically with the existing left-hand pane.
  • Combine the existing fader and level meters to provide a single double-length fader with metering built in along its length. That would give us double the resolution for the fader as well as metering.
  • A single long meter somewhere, which shows the level of whatever is currently selected, including input/output ports.

Also a question: Is it just me, or are we only getting stereo metering for “Input Ports” and “Output Ports”, even if we have multi-channel I/O? I have 4 stereo pairs in and out, use them all, and it would be really valuable for me to be able to see these channel levels separately.

This is all good stuff and I’ve created this Trello card to not lose track of it.

Re: the number of channels in the level meters, they’re limited to 4 channels atm. More than 4 and the 4th and subsequent are all combined into the fourth indicator. It’s a non-ideal hack until I invent something better.

Re: the slider snapping around 0b, logged it.

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No changes to the meter, but in 3098 (available now) I’ve tweaked the slider snapping around 0db mark and made the popup slider slightly larger.

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