As of two days ago, I started getting captcha pages (below) when only viewing YouTube. My internet machine is an old Win 8.5, which is unable to upgrade most everything.
I am not doing anything “illegal” or violating Google rules. This only happens when opening YouTube. I am wondering if it could be a virus. Has anyone seen this?
Is this only with YouTube, or with other Google domains too?
It happens to me when I change my IP, like when I switch from landline to mobile internet.
When it comes to anything like that, I chat or call the company concerned and ask straight up "I received this email yada yada…Now that AI is here, these messages will get better and better and will be harder to tell from the real deal
Just YouTube. I put a VPN on it since it was targeting my IP address, but nothing changed.
With a VPN I always get captcha from Google and YouTube. So (sorry) I understand a $%&£/&g nothing at all.
Just to say… I have a copyright dispute on YT, over a Bach prelude! No words.
I had one as well, even though I changed it a lot. For me, YouTube has become this restricted, greedy, conglomerate that plays with your data to get more money. Unfortunately, I use them for many things. There are new options, but not as good. They are working toward pay for play on every post. They suck!
The reason I used a VPN was because I was hoping a different IP Address would stop the captcha, but it didn’t.
They’re giving a hard time to those who ain’t got a monthly subscription.
And I haven’t written exactly what I think.
Seconding pretty much everything here.
I see this when using a VPN.
Google/YT has gotten very aggressive with non - member, non - Chrome - Ad blocking users in the last few months. Sometimes combinations of VPN / non - Chrome browsers will work but more and more not the case.
I understand the need for a payment model either subscription or ad based but for me there’s a point where the ads destroy the experience. I’m happy to watch one or maybe two but they’ve been waay over the top with ad’s for the last eight months or so. - all to make even more of a buck. Interestingly enough they don’t interrupt music videos.
I’m in the process of bugging out of the Google environment. Tired of them using my emails and other data to target ads, tired of then having to watch the ads. If your going to cash in on my data and demographics - then you owe me for that usage just as I would for your services - but there’s no tit for tat with Big Tech.
There’s a lot of sites where I may have interest in the content but the ads make them unusable because they dominate and detract from the content. Google and Farcebook monetarist h the data they collect on you, and so far I have not found it too intrusive, although it’s been funny whilst I have been away on business this week seeing ads popping up on FB for will writing services in all the towns I have been in! Are they trying to tell me something?
I’m pretty sure they’re telling me: stop using Firefox, remove your adblock, look at the ******* social. Paying Google, Microsoft, and Apple for a little extra cloud space doesn’t make that go away.
The original ad model used by Radio, TV and print could not be blocked and the advent of digital changed the rules because we can block ads in most browsers. This had led to an on-going struggle between the users and the providers of ads. The old model was you pay the paper or TV station or network a dollar amount to run the ad in a given time of day and the tv station took the dough and banked it. transaction finished. Digital ads work on clicks so the more times a page with ads loads the more clicks are being collected for billing, creating an ongoing revenue stream for the person or company that has the web site with the page. In other words it’s an on-going collaboration between web site and the businesses paying for the ads. Hence their dislike of Ad blockers. They will always want to get you to look and you will always try to limit how much of their visions clog up your mind. I don’t know where it will go next but I envision AIs trying to sell stuff to other AIs because they finally eliminated those pesky inefficient mammals.
I get those sign in captcha’s sometimes.
You’ll also get this if you’re tor’ing sometimes even outright blocked from entry.
Changing modems can trigger it.
Firefox has been a struggle on youtube even with win10 16gb, no surprise naked internet with bing is no issue, who’da thunk that?
googles internet watcher, pesky annoying sod. like clock work every 3 months
upon sign in asks me for a recovery phone number, there are other triggers i discovered.
I don’t have a phone currently so I am not fussed at the moment.
Every time they do this they make it less obvious to skip the request.
If or when they force the QR code sign ins, I’m out.
Currently I have my own adequate offline backups of logins details. I don’t need some corporocratic watchdog holding my hand. Also ‘obsolete’ operating systems can trigger it.
When YouTube started this campaign, they demanded you turn off your ad blocks. I found I could defy their demands by using an incognito window. The funny thing was people posted YouTube hacks and work-arounds on YouTube.
I shut Netflix down when they upped their price, and added ads. So, I am paying to watch as before, but now movies have ad interruptions. They want even more money to remove ads. I wonder how long that model will last. This is the 2nd time I quit Netflix since the end of Covid. They will come begging again.
There are too many free services available to pay for anything.
I know it’s a little weird, but on my multimedia PC (2018 i5 NUC) using Firefox and ublock-origin, I don’t have any issues with YT and I don’t see any ads. Using incognito windows, where adblock is turned off, I see tons of ads.
Bing browser disables the best adblockers these days, so I’m 99% on Firefox. Rarely I experienced YT videos not starting because of adblock. Bing is good for these occurrences.
Not in my experience, old i5 with 16GB. It’s hungry for RAM, that’s true. About 600MB per tab, but I don’t have a dozen tabs open at the same time.
I rarely have a more than a few tabs open, it’s just slow at loading yt pages on a pig of an operating system.