Gain sliders create crackling noise when changed while playing

Hi everybody,

I just noticed that when changing a rack’s gain slider while a sound is being played (e.g. an organ’s keys are being held down) there is a quite severe crackling noise. Are you guys experiencing this as well?

Are there any audio driver related options to change to prevent this behavior?


Hey Sepp

Ouch, you’re right. I’ll fix this asap.


Found it, fixed it, will be in next build (later today)


I noticed this too a few weeks ago, thanks for fixing it @Brad!


Fixed in 3153 available now


@Brad Wow, thanks a ton, it’s working perfectly now! Said again, your reaction speed is unbelievable :thumbsup: :smile:


Hi guys!
Just found a similar problem when changing the metronome bpm while playing some stuff. Don’t know if it is perhaps the same thing like with the gain sliders? @brad
Greetings, Tom

Hi @Siggin0er

I doubt it’s the same problem but I’ll check out. Logged here.



I’ve just been looking into this and couldn’t reproduce any problem. It’s possible this is related to a plugin not handling dynamic tempo changes and glitching out - not much I can do about that though.

Try muting some of your plugins and see if the problem goes away. Failing that, if you can reproduce it without any plugins let me know how and I’ll check it out.
