This binding Target is not implemented on Cantabile as of now but @brad will add it to the ideas list if he is aware you are asking about it. Hope it works out
Just edit the topic here on this thread and add that it’s a (Feature Request) to the beginning of the thread label and Brad will see it and add it to list, as far as I know he does the adding to the Trello list … I also put a tag on this post so he can check it out when he gets to it.
Given that most sliders have a resolution of 128 positions do you thing this is going to be fine enough to position the media player position?
In the meantime one alternative might be to create play ranges for the positions you need and bind to those.
(PS: I’m reluctant to make changes/improvements to the media player functionality because I want to completely rework it. It’s very high on my list but I having trouble committing to such a big piece of work while so distracted by current world events).