Faulty Routing Filter?

I thought I had spotted this a few times, but it goes away once addressed. Made a note to catch it next time it appeared - and here it is…
In the GIF you see that the route is set to Note Only. No CC info should get through. As I massage the mod wheel, the output from the MIDI route shows activity. The mouse points this out.
When the Notes Only filter is turned off, activity is seen, as expected.
When it is flipped back on, the activity ceases, which confirms that it was not operating correctly.
@brad, it’s going to be hard to reproduce now it’s been resaved, but I’ll look at a previous version of the setup and see if the issue is present.
faulty filter

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No previous versions exhibit the behavior, which is top level , i.e. not being auto saved by rack.

It reminds of the old bindings where you needed to exercise the connection before saving the rack or song. I think some parameters still need to be treated that way but the bindings update instantly now.

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Strange that the same connection on previous versions of the song functions correctly. That would indicate there’s a little recidivism at play… and there’s a word I never thought I’d use on the Cantabile forum. :smiley:

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Hi @Ade,

I just did some tests here and couldn’t reproduce it. I also reviewed the code and couldn’t see any clues as to what might be causing it - it’s pretty straight forward.

If you can reproduce this, could you bring up a MIDI monitor and let me know exactly which events are getting through.

For the record, when Notes Only is enabled, it should only let through:

  • note on,
  • note off,
  • aftertouch
  • CC 123 (all notes off)


Meaning poly aftertouch as opposed to channel pressure?
