"Failed to load recording set" after moving Cantabile to new computer

I’ve moved Cantabile to a new laptop and every time I start it up, with or without a song set, I get the error, “Failed to load recording set” and it gives me the path it’s looking for. Thing is, in the Recording Set Defaults “Location” field in Options I have it set to the new location that exists on the new computer. The location Cantabile is looking for is on the old computer. It’s an old OneDrive path, which is named differently on this computer.

I can’t find anywhere else this exists in settings, or in the registry. I did find the old path in a JSON file, changed it there, but to no avail. It’s still giving an error.

I will put the issue in to support if no one has an idea here; just thought I’d detail it here so when it’s solved we call can see it. It doesn’t cause any issues as I don’t use recording, and clicking OK to the error is fine.

Any ideas?

I think what you’re looking for is a way to open a specific .cantabileRecSet file on your new laptop.

In Cantabile (v4055), in the “Side Panel” (on the left side), select “Recordings” (can also be done with Ctrl-R). You should see a “hamburger” symbol below on the right side just below the “Recordings Set List States Monitor” header. Click the hamburger and select “Open”, which lets you pick the location of the .cantabileRecSet file.

That should change it in you settings.json file, either immediately or the next time you exit Cantabile.

Here’s a screen shot …

RecSetOpen 2022-11-22 122821

Thanks, @ClintGoss! I actually don’t use recordings (never really looked at what I’d use them for). I think the setting somehow carried over, somewhere deep in Cantabile, from the old computer to the new. So I followed your steps anyway, and there were no recordings to open of course, but I double-clicked on the JSON file in that folder. I think that was enough to “tell” Cantabile that was the folder for recordings, as now when I start it up, no more error.

You Will … (cue Yoda voice …)

Actually, C4’s recording feature is so blazingly easy to use, it comes in really handy in loads of situation where it would not be worth it to drag out the recording gear … idea catcher, easy loop setup, listen to a phrase or song part as it actually sounds to listeners, etc etc …

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So if you recorded something, how would you use that in Cantabile, while playing live? Or is it not meant for that?

Have not used the recording feature for live performances … only at home …

Yeah, so I haven’t seen a use case for recordings. If I want a recording I use Cubase.

I had the same error a while back after adding a 3rd hard drive and changing
directory locations. using the same methods described above somehow
didn’t work, however closing cantabile and editing the last good settings file
manually did.

Recordings is really useful for me, for catching noodles.
cantabile replaced the Roland phantom I was looking
at which had a “roll back feature”, it was only 45 seconds, with cantabile it’s limitless"