External Tools question

Hi All,

I have been tooling around with the external tools feature and ran into some issues that I wondered if others have had and if I have missed the instructions along the way on the rules for using them. In my example I like to use an external MIDI editor to tweak files called Sekaiju. When I try to open files that have spaces in the name or files that are in file folders that have spaces in the name I get a file extension error box and the external app won’t load. So I went further and satisfied that requirement (no spaces in folder names or file name) and yea the file loaded from the media player in Cantabile no problem. I made an edit and saved it but noticed another thing and that was that the file in Cantabile didn’t update and had to be removed and reloaded to show the changes to the file. @brad, Is this the external app that is not liking the folder and file names or Cantabile as a handler? Any experience or thoughts welcome.



Hey Dave,

Try putting “double quotes” around the filename or filename variable. It’s windows convention that file names with spaces need to be quoted on the command line.

As for reloading… Cantabile won’t automatically reload changed MIDI files, but you can right click on the media player and choose “Reload” - which will reload a MIDI file or regenerate the peak data for an audio file.


Hi Brad,

Thanks for the pointers!




Just to follow up I got it working using the double quotes in the option area on a wildcard. I also set it to show up in the context menu for MIDI files that are loaded in a Media Player.

SnapShot 4162

and found the Reload button :grin: on the context menu for the loaded MIDI file in the Media Player. I can edit in place now on my MIDI files in Cantabile using the advanced Sekaiju MIDI editor. I wish I’d asked sooner :open_mouth:

Again, Many Thanks @brad
