Exported state?

under State Behavior- Rack, what does “exported state” mean?

From the user guide:

When editing state behaviours in a rack, the panel shows an extra check mark option next to each behaviour.

Exported Settings
Select the first checkmark to indicate that the setting should be exported to the parent song.
Select the second checkmark to indicate that the setting should be controlled by the rack state.
There are couple of nuances to these settings:

If only the first option is selected, changing the selected state in the rack will not affect the setting, but switching parent songs (or possibly parent song states) will update the setting.
If only the second option is selected, switching songs or song states will not affect the setting, but changing the selected rack state will.
If both options are selected, the setting will be stored in both the rack state and the parent song. Changing the selected rack state will reset the parent song’s saved settings to the settings saved in the rack’s state.
If neither option is selected, the setting is not affected by song or rack state changes.
By default, the parent song file will store a copy of each exported setting for each of its song states. ie: each part in the song can individually control the exported settings.

You can change this behaviour with the “Exported State” behaviour on the parent rack slot:

Exit from editing the rack
Select the rack slot in the parent song file
Open the State Behaviour panel
Remove the checkmark from the “Exported State” item
Exported State Behaviour
Now all settings exported from the rack will be stored on a per-song, rather than a per-song-state basis.

Exported settings allow each song to adjust the setting and reduces the need to create multiple states in the rack. Exported settings can often eliminate the need for rack states entirely.

Essentially, you can control certain parameters inside your rack from your song by exporting them, so if a certain parameter is different for every song, then there is no need to create a separate rack state for every song, but simply export that parameter.

