Hi everyone…
im trying to use Cantabile as a vocal rig. The effects chain is always the same, so i started by creating a linked rack that is shared across all songs in the setlist.
First plugin in the line is the Waves Tune Realtime for pitch correction. Here the settings for the root key and scale needs to be changed per song. To make this work i defined the parameters as “Exported behaviour”.
Funny thing is: If i do this for one of the parameters it always work. I select the song and the setting switches to the one i want. However, if i try to use both params, the “scale” works, but the “root key” always gets randomly mixed up.
Anybody has an explanation for this?
Can you post a pic of your linked rack?
I can only post one image as a new user, but these are the necessary params that i have set to export (for the Tune Real-Time Plugin):
But i already found out that it works when i select “Entire bank” as export parameter. But i think thats no good way with performance in mind, as i guess that will recall the entire state of all params.
But it also doesnt seem to be a plugin problem, as setting exactly the same two parameters in my regular DAW (Studio One) always works as expected.
Could it be that there is an issue with sequencing? I.e. changing the scale and root key at the same time somehow colliding? The plugin may need some time between the two…
Maybe… however it works in the DAW at the same time. And i also see no possibility in Cantabile to set an order or latency for setting those params.