Experimental Build 3117

I’ve just uploaded build 3117 which I’ve tagged as an experimental build but should fix a number of stability issues. It also incorporates some object life cycle changes in the audio engine. The changes are an internal simplification - one I wasn’t comfortable doing just before launch but one I’ve been keen to get done though.

I’ve given it a pretty good test and it looks fine but I’m not going to trust it just yet. If you’ve got time to have a play with it in a non critical scenario where a crash or two won’t matter, please give it a test a let me know.

If it proves problematic, you can just rollback to 3116 - both of which are available from the downloads page.

Hey Brad,
3117 won’t load my preload setlist without error messages x64 win7
see below

I press yes and …

I am also getting JSON errors that looked similar. Not with all songs - only one with lots of racks.

I too was able to load some songs from the set list after the initial errors…

I haven’t seen any issues with Build 3117. But I don’t anything with the sync mode or media player, which might be why I haven’t seen the issue reported above.

Thanks guys,

This was a silly mistake on my part. I’ve put up 3118 which should correct this

(but may have issues loading songs saved with 3117 - hopefully you haven’t saved anything - let me know if you have and I’ll explain how to patch the file to make it load)


Hi Brad,

I had a chance to install 3118 and can confirm that the parsing problem is corrected. The large preload set list I’m using to test worked great. Will check stability over next while. Thanks for the fix! :grinning:

I did save some songs with 3117, but I don’t use the sync modes or media player. Will the songs still load OK? I have just downloaded 3118, and my songs saved with 3117 appear to be loading.

@Roland_Robertson Yep the bug in 3117 only affected saved media players.