While converting all my Cantabile 2 setup to Cantabile 3, I’ve come up with a few feature requests for the plugin/rack Edit Ports functionality:
Multi-select for ports, for deleting large numbers of them. When I add a Kontakt plugin and want to customise its output ports, I first have to delete over 60 existing channels, one by one. I’d love to be able to delete a multi-selection of them
Often I set up multiple racks containing the same plugin, and I have to go through the job of setting up the plugin’s ports each time. It would be great if I didn’t have to do this - either by providing import/export of port info for plugins, a “Copy port assignments from existing plugin” button, or something.
Same applies to racks - many of my racks have the same output channel configurations, and it would be nice to not have to delete the default “Stereo Out” and add my 4 named stereo pairs for every new rack. How about a “Set as default”, which then applies to all subsequent new racks? Or something in Options to define what default rack ports should be.
This is now implemented and will be in the next build (probably in the next day or so).
Port editing now supports multiple selection
Clipboard support
Works in both audio port editor and MIDI port editor
In the audio port editor you can copy/paste either a set of ports, or a set of channels
There are no UI changes for this - the clipboard operations are simply available via Ctrl+X, Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V when focus is in the list.
Note that you can’t copy between different object types eg: you can’t copy an audio port from a rack and paste it into a plugin. You can copy from one rack and paste onto another rack though.
I’d just like to say, this is a great feature - I’m using it every day as I continue to port all my Cantabile 2 stuff over to Cantabile 3, and it’s saving me loads of time, particularly for copying all the port assignments for one plugin instance to another instance of the same plugin! Thanks Brad!