My VST (Superior Drummer 3) is in Docked mode and keyboard bindings work, but only some Cantible key strokes work. For example Ctrl-S saves the song, but U for the next preset, or anything in Quick Select like typing 45 and then U does not load the 45th preset, etc…
On hotkeys the focus of the last mouse click can cause some commands to be ignored. Have you tried clicking on the routes view before using the hotkeys? I think that it’s got something to do with the window or tab focus that Cantabile sees before you press the hotkeys.
Thanks. When the plugin window is docked in Cantabile there is only one window, so I’m not sure that focus applies anymore(?). I did try clicking on the Cantabile menu just above the plugin menu just to ensure any focus would be there, but no change in behavior, hotkey keystrokes are still ignored. If I un-dock the plugin and click the Cantabile window they work.