Dilemma & Greetings

G’day all, just wanted to intro myself and share where my brain is.
I play guitar and keyboards in a gigging cover band. I run Keys into a Fractal for effects, mixing and switching. It’s a simple setup, sounds great, eliminates extra gear with no delicate cables. This is making it hard to move to a Midi board and Cantabile for gigs. But I want to improve our show with the endless possibilities Cantabile brings. I’ve read some great things being shared here to help it happen, Thx


Hi William and Welcome to the forum :slight_smile:

There a good group here that can help if you get hung up but the search tool on this forum and the guides on the main website cover a lot of the mechanics of it. I hope you have a good experience with it when you get going.

Cheers from an old Calgary hoser,
