Delaying MIDI event with a filter

Perhaps I’ve missed it - is there a way to purposefully delay an incoming MIDI event? I’ve looked through all the MIDI filters and haven’t found it. I’m trying to use one controller coming in several different routes to play a chord, but I’d like the notes to sound separately like a guitar strum instead of all at once.

You might find it a lot easier to use a dedicated “strumming” plugin, such as the free midiStrum from the Piz MIDI collection.

For certain events such as Song State On Load, you can incorporate a delay in a binding, so that the target of the binding is slightly delayed. But as far as I know you can’t do this with MIDI notes - and even if you could, it would be rather fiddly to set up, requiring a binding for each note of your chord etc.


Hi @valor77

For performance reasons (mainly) Cantabile’s MIDI routing/filtering is time insensitive so can’t do delays. Best bet would be a plugin as suggested by @Neil_Durant.


Cool, I’ll give it a try. Thank you both!