Delay when changing states

I just upgraded to version 3236. My song states no longer change instantly - I get a small delay and in most of my plugins, the sounds no longer carry through song state changes.

  • Paul

Hi @bartok2112

What version were you on before? Nothing significant has changed in this area for a long time (not that I can recall off hand anyway).


Version 3232, which was the last stable build, I think.

Hi @bartok2112

The biggest changes between those builds was the introduction of locked states, replacing “Automatically update states”.

Can you try locking all the states in the song (and any referenced racks) and see if that makes a difference.


No, it didn’t make a difference. Tried both locked and unlocked states in the songs and racks.


I just changed to 3233 and had the same problem. I then reverted to 3232 and everything works fine.

Hi @bartok2112,

Hrm. OK. I’ll need some debug logs to figure out what’s going on here. Could I get you to do this:

  1. Start Cantabile 3232
  2. Go through a series of state changes that would be slow on the newer builds
  3. From the Tools menu, choose “Open Settings Folder”
  4. Close Cantabile

From the folder opened in step 3, rename the file log.txt to log-3232.txt.

Now installed 3236 again and repeat the process and send me the two files log-3232.txt and log-3236.txt and I’ll see if I can spot what’s happening.


Thanks Brad. I sent you the requested files.

  • Paul

Thanks Paul. Sussed it out, fixed in 3237 coming soon.


Thanks Brad! Installed 3237 and everything works fine now.

  • Paul
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