Default song state

Hey all,

I’m using a few linked racks to get me through my gig, basically I have three;

  • A “main keys” rack that I play from my 88, it holds piano, Rhodes, Wurli and organ and a few fx.
  • A “bass” rack that has a regular fingered electric bass, a slap switched bass, a double bass and a Moog style bass
  • A “lead/layer” rack that holds a few synth sounds and some brass etc.

I have a main “song” that holds these racks and I use three states; one where the lead part is deactivated, one where it layers on the 88, and one where the lead part goes to the top board and the 88 holds a split of bass and main keys. I used routes to set this up.

It all works great, but recently I’ve been asked to set up a click for all songs and my approach was to base everything off of this main song and set up the rack and song states and adjust the tempo, then save it with the correct song name. This saves me a little setup time but also leaves me flexible to switch back to any configuration with a few button presses, for instance when there’s a solo or an instrument change halfway into a song. In order to do it like this, consistency is key. Every song needs to have the same states, in the same order, so that I can have a switches that directly select song states (regular/layer/split). I noticed however, that the selected song state is not saved with the song. So if a song calls for a layer (2nd state) and I set it up and save it, it will still revert back to state 1. I was hoping there is a way to change this? I can see where it would make sense for songs but hopefully it’s an option somewhere? Or a way to set the default state (beyond putting it in the first spot?).

Never mind I figured out something that works in my case;
I dragged the “split” song state up top but instead of using my buttons to “select state by index” I changed them to “select state by program”. As long as I don’t change the program numbers of the states I can reorder them any way I want and the buttons will stay consistent.