I have been wondering for a while whether it would be possible to have relative file locations for media files and show note files (images and pdf) as part of the file location section of the options. It could be optional by checkbox if users wanted the way it is now but in my case I would like it because I store everything in the Cantabile folder in sub folders for media and show notes jpegs. When you have 3 or 4 setups of Cantabile going on different machines the song files can then always find the correct files without absolute addresses. If all my machines where setup with the same user name account it wouldn’t be a problem but in many cases that may not be an easy thing to do because the user accounts are already established. Would this be a feature others might find useful? Also what are your thoughts on this @brad ? Thanks for any input.
When Cantabile saves the location of externally referenced files it saves both an absolute path and a path relative to the song file.
When Cantabile reloads, it first resolves the relative path to the song file and if the file isn’t found there is reverts to the absolute path.
The problem is, it doesn’t work on show notes with “Image” state behaviour checked. Try disabling that state behaviour and let me know if that makes a difference.
I’ll look into fixing it for state controlled images.