Cured. Options>Midi port filter - requires refresh to display

Hi @brad
MIDI ports can have filters applied at Options>MIDI Ports.
When applying a filter there, my system does not display any entry until the window is closed and reopened. Same applies when deleting filter.
Seems to be a screen update issue there.

Hi Ade,

I’m not seeing any issues here.

  1. Can you send me a screen shot so I’m sure I’m checking the right thing.
  2. Do you have Options → General → User Interface → Enable GPU Accelerated Rendering enabled? If so, does turning it off fix it?


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Hi Adrian,

I see no such problem here. GPU acceleration is enabled. Cantabile v4194 on Windows 10.

Hi - I didn’t have Enable GPU ticked.
That cured it. Just need to see if that causes issues elsewhere.
And, yes, PF go through the roof.
It’s no biggie. I’ll just be aware of it in that one particular field. Doesn’t occur elsewhere.

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Hang on, are you saying the problem goes away with OpenGL enabled? I expected the opposite.

Yes, OpenGL was not on. When I enabled it, the problem went away, at the expense of massive PF.
When I flipped OpenGL off again I was surprised to see that the display issue had kind of fixed itself. but that might be down to not exiting options and confirming? Maybe it was still active?
Anyway, I just happened to have LiceCap running so I was able to capture the mess that followed, which ended with a crash. I’ll DM you.
The end result is that the display error is still present, but as it doesn’t present an issue anywhere else, and as the input filters are sort of set and forget, it’s not a showstopper by any means.

Are you saying that you have a big increase in PageFault by enabling OpenGL?

I only get this problem with Kontakt. All other VSTs don’t seem to cause a high number of PFs.
I usually see a few dozen, but not the thousands caused by Kontakt.

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It cured itself. Brad has GIFs of the issue, a crash that occurred.
For some inexplicable reason, that filter window is now behaving itself. Having goosed the OpenGL, maybe that did something else behind the scenes but, for now, it’s Windows Voodoo.

Yep. Went bananas. It’s an older Lenovo T420. Certain plugins do create issues there. A few culprits might be Kontakt, Omnipshere, UAD Waterfall Rotary, but as we don’t necessarily need to see these glamorous GUIs, I’m not bothered once it’s set.

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I’ve had this problem too intermittently across many versions of Cantabile, but I’ve never been able to reproduce it reliably, which is why I’ve never reported it to @brad. For me, it has no connection to GPU acceleration. When playing around with large filter lists (e.g., 7 or more filters in a list), suddenly filter changes will stop being reflected to the GUI until the window is closed and reopened. Completely closing Cantabile and restarting it will often fix the problem for me, though not always.

Correct, OpenGL settings won’t be applied until the options dialog is closed.

My best guess is there’s an exception happening somewhere that’s futzing with the display/update. I’ll take another look at it today and see if I can figure out what’s going on.


Found it, will be fixed in the next build.

Thanks for your help with this.
