Crashes on closing a project and/or deleting or replacing a plugin

Hi there

I have the same problem in Ableton Live 11 and Cantabile, and it happens with many different plugins, VST2 and 3, modelized or sample-based, not always with the UJAM tools that are the more CPU/RAM suckers I have, so I think the issue is some incompatibility with my system

I can survive the crashes saving often, but it’s boring, and I often end to be tempted to stop playing music at all

I applied all tips in the Brad guide, and I always send crash dumps, so I hope that my issues will have a fix, a day or another

Hi @anon13328560

I had a look at the most recent crash report from you (6 Sep) and it’s showing the plugin “VST3- Pro Soloist” is crashing when Cantabile attempts to close it.

Please make sure you’ve got the latest version of the plugin installed and perhaps check if your only getting crashes when this plugin is loaded.


01649835   774669   [08008:2]: VST3- Pro Soloist (#4) - Stopping...
01649835        0   [08008:2]: VST3- Pro Soloist (#4) - Stopped
01649841        6   [08008:2]: VST3- Pro Soloist (#4) - Closing...
01649920       79 ! [08008:0]: Exception detected, launching crash reporter...

Hi Brad

It was a demo, so no more in my PC
I had 2 crashes after that, but I had my email tool off in the last crash, so I send it now hoping it will be useful (399.6 KB)

mmm, an option to skip a crashing plugin could be very useful, if possible to implement

BTW, I was also able to crash Bitwig in spite of its sand-boxing, so I feel myself suitable as a beta-tester :rofl:

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OK; in the last log UJAM Iron is shown as the culprit

Nevertheless, it happened when I closed it intentionally, not by accident!
I closed it because I found previously that replacing a plugin caused a crash, both in Ableton and Cantabile, so I tried to delete it instead of replacing

So it seems that UJAM plugins are the problem, but Sounpaint doesn’t crash (so far, finger crossed :cold_face:), so maybe they will fix the engine in the future

That said, the day I’ll have some thousand of bucks to waste, I think I’ll buy a hardware arranger :smile_cat:

Or, I’ll just stop making music: it is too much a nuisance for my tastes, way more than the other hobby I have, ie. photography

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Hi @brad, removing the faulty audio-card, uninstalling its drivers, and using Bitwig I have no more crashes, both closing a project or swapping an instrument

P.S: it means that error logs are to be taken with a pinch of salt because they suggested plugins as the culprits

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Sorry, Claudio, let me stop from joking mode.

Working with plugins (unfortunately) requires some IT knowledge, not like using Office… but at operating system level. And a dedicated PC where you can turn off the antimalware, set it to max performances and all the settings that are generally not recommended for everyday use of a PC.

You can’t say that if something goes wrong, it’s Cantabile’s fault. Or the plugins, or the interaction between the host and the VSTs.
Life is messy and chaos is always around the corner.
Moreover, Cantabile is used by thousands of musicians, don’t think that all its users are the ones you see on the forum.

You are trying to make a software version of an arranger, maybe Cantabile is not the right platform for that. Actually, there are proper ones, a simple Google search showed me some. They are not cheap, at least not the best ones.
Cantabile is a very powerful host of VSTs, although its best features are only available in the Performer version.

You might be better off with a clip-based DAW like Ableton or the excellent Bitwig you already use. But they won’t ‘magically’ solve your problems.

My advice is to use a blog like VI Control and start a thread on how to create a VSTs based arranger. Maybe someone has already done it and can help you better than we can.
Many of us play live and have different needs to you.

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I got that
And I think I am an alien here :grin:
I love joking BTW
And I play live, but for myself only

I bought Cantabile because I believed that my issue was the low RAM, and that DAWs were RAM-suckers, but I got that the resources used by Cantabile are almost the same compared to Ableton or Bitwig, and sample-based plugins are RAM-suckers

After I doubled the RAM I realized it didn’t fix my issues, and I started to think that the audio-card was the problem because also Bitwig crashed

In my case the culprit was my faulty audio card, not any of the several plugins I have, or any software I tested, and now I have zero crashes and a low latency (for my needs) with my PC, the Realtek internal audio card, and WASAPI, so I don’t need any other system (arranger) at the moment

Glad to head this.

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The only issue with internal audio cards is that they lack a powered mic input, but I have an old but good Sennheiser ME-1 headset that coupled with a VXI Parrot can be used through a USB port, so I can also sing now :heart_eyes:

Hopefully, your voice won’t start crashing now.

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What you Could do is run your arranger on a second computer, though that may be influenced ty the pic of Kraftwork with a dozen computers onstage back when that meant a significant chunk of real estate.