Crash report "interpretation"

Are there any documentation or other input on how to track down the cause of crashes? I have read the crash reports (and checked all checkboxes I could think of to get verbose logging, midi events etc etc), but I get one line “02137223 0 ! [06300:0]: Exception detected, launching crash reporter…”.

I have crashes nearly every other time I uses Cantabile, and I haven’t played many gigs for the last few years, so I’ve just accepted it, restarted Cantabile and asked the band to wait a few seconds. But I started in a new band where we expect to get gigs on a more regular basis, so now it starts to become an issue.

After 1 1/2 years of Covid gig shut downs, I found many errors in my songs, and a few crashes. No idea how that happened on an unused laptop. I had to go thru every song bindings, routings, and plugin license. Most of the oldest songs were okay, but I didn’t trust my setlists for quite sometime due to crashes during performance. I don’t have the reports from that time, but it seemed to be mostly plugin, and computer related. It is very unnerving when you rig dies in the middle of a set, and band mates are giving you the stink eye. Then, they tell other musicians my gear is unreliable, and I need to buy a Nord. I still miss out on gigs, because of word of mouth.
I constantly run thru my setlists, verify, and error reports before a gig. ALSO, NEVER update anything until AFTER a gig. I learned that lesson several years ago… the hard way!

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Thanks, Corky. I have verified my setlists and fixed all issues a long time ago, and I am pretty certain that all my licenses are valid and working, but will recheck. However, I can not see any pattern whatsoever in the crashes, just happens at any time - while playing not touching any controllers, while not doing anything, while changing songs, while closing Cantabile after rehearsal.

I know how you feel. Sometimes, I can be in the middle of a song, and it will switch to the next song. So, I know it’s gear, or wiring related. I haven’t found that little devil yet.

My computer has rebooted in the middle of a song as well. Don’t know why that has happened. It never did before. It may be time for another laptop. :worried: