I discovered by accident a solution to one of my issues, i had a search through topics here
I haven’t seen anything yet, maybe I missed it.
One of the songs I am working on at the moment crashes cantabile (4061 solo) when loading the song, I know which plugins caused this, Those where sonivox strings occasionally woodwinds. the only two from the others used to cause this. often the issue resolved itself
when i reload the same song after restarting cantabile, without loading. I never bothered with a crash report.
last night I saved my song while in table view, Cantabile reloaded today in table view without a problem. So my guess is the wiring view related to those two
plugins was a possible cause ???
One other thing I have forgotten to mention is two plugins not having entire snapshots saved
even while enabled in the drop down list. Soundspot nebula and Sonivox eighty eight version 2