Corky’s VST Organ Tips and Tweaks Page 🎹

B3X no amp into Waterfall Leslie is really nice imo.

Yes, he’s a bit over the top :wink: …after a while I got used to it, though. He chose to be like this. I remember him saying in interviews (either the one with Anthony Marinelli or the one with Andy Ward) that he was actually very shy and didn’t dare to show himself on video at first (only his hands). In the interviews he also tells his story, how he happened to move from Italy to the USA and then to London.



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I’ve never owned a real Hammond - I would be pretty excited the day I moved one into my studio :grinning:

On further thought, I would also be lying on a flat surface hoping my back returns to normal.


Been away from the clonezone for a while.
Just opened the rack I made with VB3, Anvil and Waterfall. Wow - I love it.

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Hi Ade,

Did you use the original VB3 for that rack?

Yep -mk1 VB3.
I prefer it to Waterfall B3. But their Leslie brought new life to the VB3, as I think I may have written a few months back.

Nice! I’ve been using Mercurial SS-11X as a preamp for B3 for awhile.

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BTW you got a bargain!

When these amps get dialed in - whoo, it’s the secret sauce. Same on Rhodes emulations/samples -but that’s a different topic, ain’t it . :melting_face:
(I know, emoji overload)

I sometimes regret selling mine years ago. I had to stop dragging it around and had minimal room in my new house… Thus, the endless search for a vst.

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Yes…and when I do dial it in, my nipples become erect like a little school girl. :star_struck: :face_with_hand_over_mouth: :grimacing:

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LOL, back when I was built like a NFL free safety and playing in a band with a C3 and Leslie, we had to lift that stuff up onto a stage that was three foot higher than floor level. Even then with two of us it was some heavy lifting. I wouldn’t even bother to try at this point lol.

I made a rack with VB3 1.4 x64 to Anvil to the Waterfall Rotary. I like it with the VB3 drive off into the clean channel of the Anvil and then into the Leslie with its drive down. Thanks for the tip of making a rack from these three.

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Steady on, tiger…

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Nice. Yes - the clean channel. You can introduce drive at the VB3 if you like, or drive the input channel hard, but it just sounds quite satisfying.
Watch out the for the oversampling on the second page of Anvil. It might be at X4 by default, which sacrifices CPU for nothing that I find beneficial over X2.


Time to kick this up.
Having got close to my happiest 70s/80s rig, when demand is high in other areas, the Waterfall Leslie is crippling. I like to run at a buffer of 128 (maybe a blind test would determine whether I can really feel it, but seeing that buffer at 256 translates immediately to my fingers. Just not feeling that immediacy. Anyhoo, I digress) and the Waterfall is chewing up masses of buffer headroom.
The dedicated organ racks are OK, with nothing else competing, so it was time to enable the VB3 dry output and have two routings; one via Waterfall, and the other employing the VB3 mk1 Leslie. It will give me the opportunity to check out some of the double Leslie concepts that were floated earlier in this topic, or choose one over the other if running out of gas.

Gotta say, having dialled the VB3 Leslie in through the pres and eq I’ve been tweaking for Waterfall over these months, it don’t sound bad at all, having been away from it for some time. And the meter is running 20-25% lower… that’s huge.

In other news, I wanted to use one of my trusty Yamaha FC7 foot controllers on a Fatar/M-Audio setup and, as I remembered from previous attempts, fails horribly. Needs an adapter doodad which are being sold on ebay for this very purpose.
For 1/3 less dosh I picked up one of those cheapo M-Audio pedals which has a compatibility switch, a rotary range control, and works perfectly, full range of values, with an M-Audio Axiom. No surprises there, except that it works just fine. Extremely cheap. Construction not so heavy as the Yamaha but bloody well good enough, for 30% less than an adapter plug!
(BTW, something weird gong on with the dates on these posts. I’m seeing posts which are only a few months old dating years earlier. Wazzup?)


Hi Ade,

I think they’re OK, the ones that have numbers preceded by ’ are year and without it they are day. So for example :

Apr 18 is Apr 18 of this year and

Apr '18 is for April of 2018

I think this is how it works …


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Nothing magic in these adapter doodads - if you’re handy with a soldering iron, you can solve this yourself. These thingies don’t do anything but switch the tip and ring contact of the TRS plug. If you’re not planning to use the FC7 with a keyboard that requires the original Yamaha setup, simply re-solder the plug, switching tip and ring.

If you need to go back and forth between Yamaha and Roland standard, you could copy my approach: I’ve re-fitted my FC7s by cutting off their cable, leaving just a short length (20 cm) with a male XLR plug at the end on the pedal. Now you can create cables of whatever length and polarity you need with an XLR female plug on one end and a TRS plug at the other. Just make sure you label or color-code these cables to make sure you pick the right one for the keyboard you are using…



Yeah, I actually priced up the components.
Female stereo 1/4”, cable, stereo jack.
The pedal was under 16 bucks, works in both formats, offset pot.
It was a no brainer.

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BTW, that is a good approach. I would have been a little hesitant to cut the FC7 cable because sometimes the contents are those wonderful ‘unsolderable wisps’ which only people with magic powers can connect. As you’ve taken the plunge, I might risk it. :slight_smile:
XLR way better approach - and the FC7 pedals are good.
One thing that’s worth noting is that the full range of control is very well represented when the M-Audio pedal is plugged into an M-Audio keyboard. The same pedal intp the Fatar could not be encouraged to get all the way from one end of the scale to the other.
My trusty Elka MK88 is not so trusty at the moment. It always played nicely with FC7s - but it needs surgery after a stand collapsed with it on the top. :cry: