Corky’s VST Organ Tips and Tweaks Page 🎹

thanks for the answers, I’ll try to add a rotary VST with this feature… or maybe VB3-II…


Don’t know if it is still interesting after purchasing Waterfall B3, but it seems like it finally happened…


They’ve been teasing this for 3 years. Looking forward to try it.

Will be nice to use 1.4 generator 64bit without worrying about crashes.



It might be heresy, but my current gig is all about synths, not organ, so I will stick with what organs I do have for now and save the GAS for something synthetic…

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Pray tell, what material are you doing? :wink: All original?

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You need to play more with your organ so you can embrace it’s pleasure.


I think this may be the longest thread on the entire internet. :rofl:

That said… Was demoing Waterfall since it can be had for $49 right now and its separate Leslie plugin (which cannot be had for $49 right now) and kind of liked the sound, but underwhelmed with the UI. Then I ran B-3X d.i. into the Waterfall Leslie and liked that better than Waterfall into Waterfall.

In a separate deal running right now where you can buy the full version of IKM’s Mixbox for $29 I bit on it and found it includes a Rotary plugin. I tried B-3X d.i. into it and really like the sound. Very similar to the Waterfall Leslie but to me a bit more detail. I don’t know if its a dumbed down T-Racks Leslie that just uses internal settings I haven’t stumbled on yet in T-Racks and B-3X Leslie, but regardless, it really sounds great imo without much fuss.

Also part of the $29 deal for Mixbox is the full set of the well regarded Sunset reverbs which is normally an add-on. And you also get a free copy of Halo lite if you want.

[edit] So after playing with the Mixbox Rotary, I’m 99% sure its just the T-Racks 147 with some high shelf added.


same here!!

I may need to try and do a song that also sneaks some organ in. :slight_smile:

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Maybe you missed this one …

Now that autumn has well and truly set in, I am working on the visual side, as I have to be honest and admit that a 59 year old baldy is not the best stage presence / eye candy … :rofl:

So have dug out (some of) my DMX lights and messing with some “Visual Synthesizer” software (expect a guide on the latter some time in the next few months.


I still have my old DMX toupee around here someplace if you want to borrow it. The “spin” mode and “a’skeered” mode are really pretty awesome, but I stopped using it after the “flapping sideburns” effect cut my ear lobe during a gig. The hair changes colors and includes blue, green, yellow, orange, violet, and red along with the traditional hair colors. Just say the word and it’s yours!



(Sorry, @Corky - I don’t post here in nearly forever and when I do I come up with something like the above. In fact, I came up with something SO like the above that it is indistinguishable from the above! My apologies, but at least I didn’t post THAT INDISTINGUISHABLE thing, because I know the rules around here. - Terry)

(Rules: “No Indistinguishables.”)


All the times I’ve been off topic, and you apologize? :rofl:
No need in starting a new thread to answer Derek. We are friends here, but I will shame you for not posting more! :wink:
I might need to try a DMX toupee but I think the old would shine through!

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That’s the real reason I don’t use it anymore.


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Dang it! I knew I had been missing something over all these years.

I am going to slap my slaphead for never having thought of a DMX controlled toupe… :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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Anyone an early Jethro Tull fan, as in the Benefit album? I embarked on a cover of To Cry You A Song and I’m wishing I hadn’t LOL but my version is going to have John Evans on it whereas the original didn’t…

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Big Tull fan. Nice!!

It’s nightmare because I started out way too slow and eventually it picked up the pace and got up to time but I’ve had to redo the beginning instead of just replaying the guitars… I stretched them because I didn’t feel like playing again, so being lazy has made the whole thing complete pain in the ass I’ll post a little later today I’ve almost got a rough track ready. You can tell me if the guitar sound too artifact-y and I need to do it over. I added a phase shifter to try to cover it up :rofl:.
I thought it would be easy but it turns out I’m really not as good a guitar player as I thought I was.