Corky’s VST Organ Tips and Tweaks Page 🎹

Same here. This one pissed me off. That’s why @Ade and myself wrote UAD, because they have the choice of how the iLok is used with software. UAD recently changed to native software, and I think they are confused on their customers needs. Live use at a gig is something they never imagined. This reminds me of the iLok fiasco years ago with Pro Tools. Software iLok has been around for quite sometime, but UAD was interested in hardware devices. This is very new for them, and they haven’t considered all possibilities.

Sorry, missed that one. It is indeed a bizarre choice. I only have a dongle on my DAW PC now for some legacy software. Everything else is computer locked. UAD need to reconsider that one!

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Sorry, but I need further clarification specifically for UA Waterfall:
Can you use any USB stick or do you need to have an iLok dongle?
Or as mentioned above, is it possible to authorize Waterfall just using the computer hardware?
Thank you - David

Hi David. No problem, because I had to figure this out on my own. You will need an iLok dongle, I would guess because it has the iLok software and such on their dongle. I dunno about using any usb stick. All my software using iLok, is activated thru iLok using software tied to the computer…no dongle.
Unfortunately, UAD requires an iLok dongle. It can be a pain in the ass, but I have it working. As I said above, we contacted UAD and asked for a software use for iLok, just like my other vst’s. Hopefully, if they get enough replies, they will allow software dongle.
In my reply to UAD, I said I paid $50 for an iLok dongle, which I could have used to purchase another UAD vst. iLok is free, and UAD doesn’t make a penny using iLok. It is up to UAD to add the software iLok to their protection. I’ve had no problem with the software iLok. Dongle is a different story, but I think it is caused by the UAD authorization software.
Hope I didn’t confuse you.

My 2 cents


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Hey Derek.
From what you say, it would seem that if you use only one PC it is possible not to have the USB dongle: am I wrong? I only use my Laptop, so that would sort it out.
But Corky says the opposite: could you explain in detail how to do it?

You must use the Dongle, or be on the internet to use the vst.

Hi Corky, my friend!
I hope you feel better now!
Out of curiosity: what are they trying to do in UAD? Did they give you a valid reason to justify their choice?

I am doing very well, thank you!

There was no justification on their choice, other than that is the way they’ve always done, concerning iLok. It seems like they’ve never thought about using their plugs outside of a studio. The dongle is some ancient s##t! I really don’t know if they are aware of iLok software. It’s just what they’ve done for years.

No, I have multiple activations on DAW and GIG PC. I will not purchase software that does not allow at least two activations for that reason. Most vendors allow two activations per license, sometimes three.

The dongle approach comes in handy if you are moving between more than a few setups.

I always need at least 3 activations (studio, live rig and backup rig).
If something is not clear I ask the developer (as I did with GForce plugins for instance). Most the time they accept it.
Though I own more than 30 iLok plugins (machine based, cloud) I don’t use them much. At first I thought it must be something special if it is iLok protectet and you don’t get it elsewhere. That is not the case most the time.
Nowadays a developer lost me as soon as I see “iLok”.

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Just finished reading articles about the iLok USB. You do need to purchase it - you can’t roll your own.

Since my rig includes a StarLink dish I will always have internet no matter where I am so no worries :space_invader:


Hmm…where to mount the dish on my rig??? :thinking:

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I started when there was only dongle-ilok, no local, no cloud. So I’m used to it.

The pianos I prefer use only iLok dongle and provide for 2 licenses and I have many machines so in the beginning I bought 2 iLok keys on sale and put one of the licenses on each key so I could move them around as needed. I continued to put a copy of any iLok licenses I acquired on the 2 keys for use on my performance Laptop and it’s backup Laptop. I also have a Studio Computer and another Remote recording Laptop and either Key can be used on them when needed for iLok VSTS on them. I carry both Laptops to gigs so if any component takes a hike I can get going in few minutes. The keys work well when they are used on the same machine repeatedly but note that when I would seek to use the backup key on the machine that was using my main key (and which had identical licenses as the main key) I had to allow Cantabile to start booting without the iLok key in and when the prompt asked where it was I would hot plug it and the Cantabile setup would proceed without a hitch. The only thing that ever bit my behind from iLok was forgetting the key in the studio machine when I carried a single laptop to a practice. So overall it is one more thing to think about as a performer I must admit but since I have tried to Dave proof it I have had 6 years of gigs with no hassles (except when the power supply to my Laptop didn’t get securely plugged in and caused an unexpected Cantabile shutdown, oops!! :open_mouth: :grin: )

Oh, and since it’s the organ thread I have to once again praise Corky’s B-3X patches I use and all the great contributors to the knowledge base! A lot of great organ players on this post have pitched in great posts and helped me learn more about it.



I’m still liking B-3X a lot. The one thing I felt is a bit lacking is the chime on top that a real one mic’d up or live has, but EQ alone just doesn’t quite get it there (for me anyway). I’ve tried a bunch of different things to get that chime, and some have helped. I recently tried Noveltech’s “Character” from PA and it works surprisingly well for this imo. In fact its easy to over do it. Still not the same as the real deal, but surprisingly good in a mix. Not sure how to classify the plugin other than to call it a psychoacoustic exciter in a secret sauce box. They claim its using psychoacoustics plus doing transient shaping and other unspecified things. And to my ears it is doing more than a mere exciter does (at least the ones I have), but it is a similar effect imo, only more polished sounding. Its apparently been around forever, but worth a demo in my opinion if you’re looking for more shine and chime on top. I’m not a keys player so haven’t tried it in a live setting, but checked and it is zero latency.


Here is B-3X with Noveltech Character in context of a full mix. B-3X is using no onboard FX and no more than 2dB of EQ in the channel strip EQ. The chiming highs are all from Noveltech Character. Never was able to get B-3X to cut thru a wall of sound like this without it. The only thing else on B-3X is a tape sim (Softube’s. LOL believe it or not putting one of IK’s tape sims on the same track as B-3X makes the cpu go crazy…they work just fine everywhere else…)

[edit] lol, and Corky should be proud of me for using only amp sims! :smile:


Very nice!!

Yes, I AM very proud of the amp sims. :wink:

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Hi people! A simple question: how do you guys handle expression pedal and overall volume of hammond patches, in the context of playing with a band? By example

Do you set a volume that feels nice when playing with band with the expression at 50%? And when on solos do you guys push it more? Or it changes from patch to patch, etc?

I always link my hardware expression pedal to the pedal in the vst. It is more about that “Hammond feel”, which usually pushes the tube amp. The pedal is a clean sound at lower level, and gets “grittier” and a little more volume at full pedal. Actual volume is controlled at sound source(speaker), and is set at a reasonable level, but by the end of the night, I have to crank it some to keep up with the band. I usually have a knob on my keyboard that controls output in Cantabile, but have to be careful not to “red line” it.
I set output in Cantabile at unity. Hope this makes sense.



I’m holding back to see how this volume question plays out… There is nothing worse than playing with a loud “musician.”