Corky’s VST Organ Tips and Tweaks Page 🎹

I got something workable for substituting in for the Lowrey Berkshire. I used the B-3X preset above and also layered in synth set with two sine wave generators and no filters on octave 0 and +1 mixed 50%. Fortunately everything phase aligned without doing anything. Still doesn’t sound like a Berkshire but I think its now passable in context of the song. Even the screaming high parts with key smears later in the song are working (not in the clip though).


@sekim…I’m with Fred on this one. Though it’s only on youTube, I pulled up yours and the original, and listened side by side and you’re about as close as can be in my mind…way past close enough for rock n roll with this one. Nice work

Impressive! - sounds very close

BTW, I’ve found that the La Petite freebie is helpful on B-3X as a fattener/brightener. Couldn’t get the “sit in a mix” tone above without it. Also works well with synths imo. Zero latency, low cpu so can use for live if needed.


I played organ at church for the 1st time in 7 months today with the Old Fart Short Bus band. It was fun. Singer pulled us off the tracks but no train wreck.


Like riding a bike …

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I’ve been a member of that band for several years now! :smirk:

lol everyone can play but them (us) trying to play modern praise stuff comes off about as well as a bunch of old guys trying to play Chemical Bros


Hi Corky,

I’m sorry to bother you with this as it is not a C4 problem but a Cakewalk one but as the resident organ guru, I thought you might have an idea!

Spin does not learn midi controllers. Even manually set. I use it as a VST Plugin for Blue3 which works fine.

It does not matter which controller keyboard I use or MIDI channel. Tried it on a send bus, no joy.

I have no problems with Cantabile 4 but Cakewalk, no joy.

Any help would be appreciated. My “sound” is Blue3 with Spin together.

Thanks for all your invaluable insights,

PS: I also sent a note to GG support.

Hi Ron

I’ve not used Cakewalk in years, but I will check it out soon and get back to you. It might be a good idea to contact Cakewalk as well, since it seems to be the problem. If you get a solution before I return, post here so others can use it if needed.



Will do. Thx!

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I recently played an entire jam session with just the IK B-3X. I think updates over the past two years fixed everything. It remembered all my CC settings for drawbars, Leslie drive etc and performed flawlessly. Sounded great through a pair of JBL Eon 10’s just behind me.


Hi Ron,

It appears to be a Cakewalk problem. I suggest you use Blue3 with it’s internal Leslie (which is Spin). It seemed to do fine that way, instead of a separate Spin vst. Before I get too deep, are you getting anything out of Spin in CW, and what parameters are you trying to use?
Sorry I took so long to respond due to this time of year.


Hey Doug, much time has passed since we last spoke.

The most recent updates corrected a few things for me. I am sure the JBL Eon 10’s are killer! I used 10" Yamahas recently and was amazed that a 10 " would sound so good. My 12’s are my goto, but cabinet is heavier and a space hog. My 15’s are killer in a large venue, but my back doesn’t like them.

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Hi Corky,

When I was playing I kept in mind your advice to crawl the keyboard. Good advice!



Hot news for the lovers of good ol’ VB3 1.4



Thanks for the update! GSI was planning this 2 years ago, and, for some reason, dropped it, and went another direction. Looking forward to it.



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They fixed something that wasn’t broke…


I am a little pessimistic about the timeframe for VB3-II.
Last year I asked Guido about it, he told me they were working on it, but he didn’t know when a new version might come out.


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