Corky’s VST Organ Tips and Tweaks Page 🎹

NICE !!! :wink:

Yaaaassss! Chester T. the organist (as opposed to the drummer) was badass!

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I think that Chester Thompson was the firt time that I saw a Hammond… I watched (on TV) a Santana show, and CT was his keyboard player for a long time.

By then, he used a SY77 (or 99?) upon the Hammond and blended FM PIanos with Hammond (I know that most people consider this combination atrocious but I love it).

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First of all: Thank you for your great commitment to all of us here, for your help and your advice! A quick question that you may have already answered somewhere. How do I create the sound (using a VST Hammond) that Don Airey uses in the track ‘A simple song’ (on Now What?!) from minute 2:00? Can you give me a tip about this?


Absolutely! Let me check it out, and I will get back to you. Which vst are you using?

Edit: not a problem to achieve it, but differs with each Hammond VST, so let me know which one you use.

Hi Corky,
above all I use Aturias B3 V2 and GSI VB3, sometimes the AIR DB-33.

OK…How about VB3?

from GSI?


I also use it

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I am on it…I will not get a realistic sound out of the other two.

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I did a quick run on this. VB3 has the tools to do most anything. I had to play with the drawbars to take a little of the darkness out. It sounds like Airey is playing background on the lower manual with drawbars 888800000, vibrato and chorus off. At the 2:00 mark, he goes to upper manual with Vibrato/Chorus on at C3. To get that sound on VB3:

Upper drawbars 888601240
Vib/Chs UP on and set to C3
Drive at 12 o’clock
Edge at 1 o’clock
Tone all the way up
Volume at 3 o’clock
Use default treble horn, microphones, and bass rotor, and adjust to your liking

Under Global Options:
Leakage - medium
Tonewheel - mid boost
Vibrato Scanner Depth - strong
Rotary Speaker Type - Rock 122
Rotary Speaker Character - Aggressive

Adjust everything to your liking. Airey’s playing style is very aggressive and contributes to the sound.
Hope this helps you get there!




Ooops - thank you so much! I’m a bit confused because there are parameters I can’t find (like ‘edge’, Rotary speaker Type, Vibrato Scanner Type etc.) and so many others - I’m not sure wether I have the same GSI VB3 model (i have software version 1.1.1) … I have to look for it tomorrow. Would you mind sending the file?
Thanks again, Corky - you’re a great inspiration!
Best regards

I have 1.4. Don’t really remember how the earlier version GUI looked, but I think it was close to 1.4. Let me see what I can come up with. Will get back to you.

VB3 v1.1.1 seems to be a VB3II version (the latest). Just my guess.

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Very well could be, but he said VB3. I took it as the old VB3.

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Are you using GSI VB3II?

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Hmm, 1.1.1 should be a very old version. On GSi the latest downloadable VB3 is the 1.4


1.1.1 is the current version of VB3 II…


I’m so sorry for the confusion. Yes - I’m using the VB3 II :roll_eyes: my fault!