Corky’s VST Organ Tips and Tweaks Page 🎹

:smiley: :smiley: Well I wasn’t trying to get sympathy lol

But hey, I’ll take it! :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve been getting stunning results from IKM though. On some recent stuff I’ve dang well fooled myself into thinking it’s the real deal!


A small update on Acoustic Samples.
V3.0.2 Added February 3 2021

  • Fix in case 2 notes were using the same tonewheel and a drawbar was going from 0 to 1.

  • Fix a potential script crash when playing with the mouse on the virtual keyboard.

  • A few other minor fixes.


Updated :slight_smile:

Just a quick heads-up, IK B-3X is again $99.99 (Crossgrade price), and if you have some Jam Points, you can get it for $69.99.


From another thread…

I like your phrase “Full Corky”…lol. :rofl:

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Hi virtual organ players friends !

Let me share you the videos I posted on ACOUSTIC SAMPLES Competition …

I know I’m not a great organ player as you might be here, BUT it’s a good way to hear “Corky shared presets” in action :sunglasses:

My name is Pierrick JANOT. Feel free to vote. Thanks again to the CANTABILE community !



Hi Paolo

I have an E-MU Xboard 49 & 61 key, which I use for Organ vsts. The keybed is the best I’ve found close to a Hammond feel. No sliders though…only rotary knobs, which I binded to drawbars using C3. They are heavy for their size, and after awhile, I went to lighter keyboards, with more bells and whistles. I still use them for recordings, but decided to retire them from the daily load in, and load out of gigs I was playing. They are really hard to find now, unless you want to pay a ridiculous price for a used one.

I still have 2 of the 1820Ms which I dearly loved at the time.

I also have a wide array of VOCE hardware clones. The organs weren’t too bad, but the rotary was very cheesy sounding.

Here is the E-MU XBoard 49:

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Hi Pierrick

Well, I guess we are competitors. I uploaded a video about 2 weeks ago, but still not posted. I uploaded again today. I promised a B5 License To @FredProgGH if I won. Hopefully, my friends here will vote for me, if it ever gets posted.

Hi Corky, I’m sure I’ll be the first to vote for you too … Sure you deserve it ! :wink:

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:rofl: The presets sound good! Glad you used them.

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I still have an 1820m that I still love! That is after retrofitting the op amps with LM4562. I was probably the first to do that back in the day…at least at that time found no other posts on the topic that predated mine.

Just got another 1820m plus 1212m for under $100… And just got a reminder of how much the LM4562 helped the first 1820m…

The newest kid on the block for high spec audio op amps is OPA1656 which will go in the latest 1820m and 1212m. My guess is it won’t be very different than the one with 4562, but we’ll see (hear) soon enough…

I didn’t ever retrofit the amps. I still have one 1820m working on a Windows XP desktop. Since I now have a Win 10 desktop, I’ve thought about trying the other 1820m in it.

You’ll have to go thru some hoops to get the driver to work under Windows 10, but it isn’t very difficult or time consuming. Somebody put together a script that installs modified driver files to get past the issues Win 10 places on the original driver. I’ve been using it since Win 10 broke the original driver and it works great. 4ms latency no problems. Let me know if you have any problems finding it on the net and if so I’ll shoot you a copy of the package…

Cool! I think I already have it. One of our members sent it to me last year. I have it on one of my usb drives. If I have a problem, I will be in contact with you.

Many Thanks!


I attached a .png of the driver installation instructions that I rewrote for better clarity. LOL, one of my duties before I retired from the software business was doing technical documentation, so hopefully enough brain cells still working that this is actually clearer than the original…

Also, here is the link for the download since the thread doesn’t allow upload of a .pdf and you can’t cut-n-paste from a .png:!Ar-KCv7xikVOh23zeXTESuD8k2ih

Similarly, here are the three PowerShell commands as text so you can cut-n-paste them:

set-executionpolicy unrestricted -scope localmachine

cd c:/temp


Hopefully this can help you avoid the slow downs I experienced the first time thru.


As a followup to the previous post, here is a caveat to using the above for the 1820m from the thread at KVR (I vaguely remember needing to do this step):

" I got a little confused about the instruction for people with E-MU 1820/1820m/0404 to 'rename the 2 instances of your device name in the EMU_Driver_Fix script '. For the benefit of anyone else who misunderstands this. After you have installed the EmuPMX_PCDrv_US_2_30_00_BETA drivers, open up Device Manager and make a note what the device is called. For me it was ‘E-MU E-DSP’. Now open up the ‘EMU_Driver_Fix.ps1’ in a text editor and change the 2 instances of “E-MU E-DSP Audio Processor (WDM)” to whatever your device was called in the device manager."

See the KVR thread

EDIT: so this would be step 4b in the instruction sheet I posted above.

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Thanks for the info Sekim! :wink:

LOL, I’ll be thanking me too when I lose my notes, a Win update crashes the driver and I need to reinstall it. I’ll know exactly where to find it!!! :rofl:

The part about Windows update crashing the reinstalled driver has happened once, maybe twice. It is usually not a problem though. If it happens, simply follow the procedure and so far at least, its up and working again.

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