Copy songs in the setlist bug?

Hi folks,
When I copy past songs in the setlist, and rename, it does not compy paste but create a second instance of the existing song file on the disk?
I resolved this by copying from the disk and changing the name there.

Copying a song in the set list only copies the set list entry - not the actual song file.

Copy/paste here is mainly intended as a way to move songs between set lists (not as a way to manage song files).

To make copies of song files, use Windows Explorer or File Save As/File Save Copy As.


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Brad, I’ve found a bug in the saving of the songs:

When switching between songs manually, I get the prompt to save.
I hit NO and still the changes are saved.
I tried the 3 settings from the options, (Y/N/prompt) but that’s no difference.
It always is saved.

I’ve not been able to reproduce this. Anyone else seeing this problem?

@brad I have also tried to reproduce it, but a no go here.

Hi folks, I created a topic here.
So it’s no problem, as long as the session does not save the files. And I’ve found out I can hit ctrl+shift+S to save the setlist/session. :slight_smile:

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