Copy of song states within song project

Hi, I search in CP a “simple” function to copy song states (within one/same song project), but I can’t find it.
Background why to need this function:
I have a song state with e.g. 4 different racks/rack states used.
I will copy this rack state and like to change on the copied song state one of the used racks/rack states.
This is useful if I have already compiled e.g. drums, bass, rhythm guitars and like only to change the right hand solo voice.
I see in CP only the function for “create linked clone”. I guess, this is not the function I search for.
Is there a workaround to “only copy” and “insert” a song state?

simply activate the song state and then create a new one - it will have all the settings from the active one. Then move that new state to where you want it to be.


Hi @Torsten , you’re right. I use this also.
But, if I later on want to “copy” a song state, this way doesn’t work, cause other/different rack states are already exists after the song state I want to copy.
The only way would be, to move the song state to the end. But then my structured/sorted song states would be mixed up.

And why is this a problem? The new state you create will appear at the end of the list, and you can drag and drop it to where you want it to be in the state list. You can then also re-number the states (re-assign program numbers) if you want or need to, and you’re done.

Agree with Torsten. I’ve always been able to copy states without issues.

I arranged myself with this workflow.

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