Convert Embedded to Linked Racks

I think I messed up a while back and used Embedded Racks instead of linked racks. When opening various “sets” I end up loading 20+ instances of plug ins. Since I want to save resources I think what I really want is a linked rack.

Here are my two questions:

1. Swapping Linked for Embedded racks
Is there an (easy) way to swap out the embedded rack for the linked rack? Export the state of the rack? I don’t want to lose the presets that I’ve stored in the embedded rack (along with any customization done).

Otherwise I think this will have to be my process:

  1. Identify any embedded racks
  2. Save the plug in data (e.g., preset info)
  3. Swap with a linked rack
  4. Create new state in linked rack
  5. Import data saves in step 2
  6. Save state info by saving linked rack
  7. Save song

2. Multiple plug in/rack instances
There are a few songs that need multiple instances of the same plugin (usually the Arturia MiniV). Since only a single instance of a linked rack can be used in a song, is there another alternative to:

  • A second or third linked rack

  • A stand alone instance of the plugin
    I’m leaning toward the second instance of the linked rack.

This second part is related to the post located here:
Multiple linked racks feature request post

Open the embedded rack and choose File → Save Rack As… that’ll convert it to a linked rack.

There’s nothing built in for this but there are a couple workarounds:

  1. Setup the first rack, then in Windows Explorer make a copy of the file and then add it to the song - both racks will be identical. You’ll need to recopy each time you change it.
  2. Same as 1 except instead of making a copy, create a hard link. That’ll save you having to re-copy on each change.

In both cases though you’ll need to reload the song (and possibly set list if preloading is turned on) to pick up changes in the copied racks whenever the original rack changes.

I tend to use copies of racks - often dedicated to specific usages, e.g. Hive Solo, Hive Pads, Hive Drones. This way, I don’t need to keep the copies in sync, since each of them can develop their own identity and with that their individual presets.

This is easier for me to manage than using hard links or trying to keep two copies in exact sync.

