My main 88 key controller is having contact issues on D3. Everytime I play that note, it is twice as loud as any other note, no velocity at all, and really steals from my playing. Until I have a chance to tear it apart and check the contacts out, is there a feasible way to suppress the gain on that note through a filter on the keyboard input? I am currently experimenting with the idea, but would really appreciate any other ideas.
Are you saying your D3 note is outputting velocity 127 all the time?
In that case as a stopgap measure, you could create a rack to filter your keyboard input. In this rack, create two routes:
from MIDI input to MIDI output, with one MIDI filter:suppress events --> Note D3
from MIDI input to MIDI output, with two MIDI filters in sequence: a) suppress events (suppress all controllers etc, allow only note D3), b) Velocity/Controller Curve; set maximum output value where you want it to be.
Now your D3 will at least be as quiet as you set it to be in filter 2b - but no dynamics (if your keyboard only outputs 127, Cantabile can’t guess what velocity you meant to play), so there’s no way around your having to fix the issue at a hardware level.
Yes D3 seems to be 127 all the time. Thank you for info…I am starting on it right now. I would rather it be completely off or barely audible than sticking out like a sore thumb. This will get me through until I can get a day to fix it (hope).
Thought I would very briefly touch on this problem I had a couple of years ago. One of my rehearsal M-Audio key controllers was starting to blow out the rubber contacts. It started with one key, then two…I many times have opened up the keyboard, and robbed from the higher or lower keys for replacements, as it is mostly impossible to find the rubber strips. I asked if there was a way to correct this thru midi, but never found a solution…until now. CodeFN42 VeloScaler works great…and it’s free (donation ware). VeloScaler
I was able to lower the velocities of my problem keys from constant 127 to 100 and now those full velocity keys are somewhat tamed now, at least for rehearsal.
Not sure if it is the same basic design for those rubber contacts as with most keyboards, but if it is, then carefully removing the rubber and taking a rubber pencil eraser lightly to the PC board contacts will usually restore it to like new again.
I’ve fixed my keyboards about fifteen times using that method. It is a corrosive film build-up on the metal part of the contact that causes it in keyboards, and does not seem to be the rubber pieces, but perhaps it is those as well. I usually take the eraser to both parts.
Hi Terry. You are very correct on that. I started out doing that with advice from Dave Dore, but also found the rubber indentions were either torn or inverted themselves consistantly. Velocities were full on 127, so I would be playing normally and play one of the keys. It was twice as loud as the rest. Of course, they are all at the C3 area. Really kills a melodic passage for sure. This little program is not a fix, but it sure makes a big difference by singling out those full velocity keys. I will gladly donate to this one.