Controller Bar - Why the blue panel when invoked directly?

I set up some bindings to suspend/run a plugin, have that operate from the controller bar button or the plugin, and switch color to indicate status.
If I invoke the binding from Test, it functions as expected. When operated from the button or from the plugin suspend button itself, a blue panel appears in the active (green) condition.
Am I approaching this incorrectly?

Hi Ade,

The blue panel comes up when ever you have a value over 64 stored in the controller bar button’s value buffer. To avoid the blue panel persisting you can’t use the button as a toggle. You could set it to a momentary type, rework your bindings to the plugin and you would only see the blue panel on the button press and on release your color change would take effect in the button. The blue panel is default for indicating active toggle or held momentary type button presses as far as I always thought. Hope this helps.


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Hi Dave - I’m really struggling with this. and now I’m out of my ‘comfort zone’ of what should have worked, and does, with the exception of the blue panel when all 3 bindings are invoked, I’m in hit and miss territory. It’s all missing. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

The objective is to suspend a plugin from aController Bar button. To have the button reflect the status if the plugin is directly suspended.
To have the button show green for On and red for Off.
All of this functions by setting up 3 bindings… except for the blue panel horning in,
If I try taking the button out of Toggle mode, I cannot get a result.
Here’s the 3 bindings:
plugin suspend and activate switches controller bar button

controller bar button suspends and activates plugin

flips button between red and green

Any thoughts appreciated… mine are mangled.

Hi Ade,

Try this. Button configured as Momentary Button:

and two bindings:

How it works:

  • The first binding watches the suspended setting of the plugin and sets the controller bar color (2 is red).

  • The second binding watches for the controller bar button being pressed and toggles the bypass setting on the plugin.

  • The controller bar button is set to momentary button so it doesn’t highlight itself like a normal toggle button would.

Make sense?



That does it!
Thanks for pointing me in the right direction :+1:t2::sunglasses: