Controller Bar Bindings

That simple, huh? Told ya I felt dumb

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Yea, on a binding like this where the target includes a text display like caption it reads as when the binding sees the correct note it will display the result to the appointed Controller Bar button. The result in this case is arbitrary text you chose and enclosed in the quotes in the Result field.

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This works for me:


Yep, this good stuff @brad , Thanks for posting it and I’m sorry @Ade , I didn’t see this solution but learned to look harder from Brad having shown it. :slight_smile:

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Thanks @brad and @dave_dore for getting me a wee bit closer to button nirvana.
Brad, I’m going to substitute my current method for your script which seems quite streamlined.
Looking forward to the last crucial piece of the puzzle … to get parameter return into bi-directional controllers on state load. :+1:t2:

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