As I wrote some time ago I bought a Yamaha P-525 and have the intention to control it from Cantabile. As Yamaha has issues with its ordering system and I have to wait until the end of March I decided to start excercising with my P-140. Reading fora and manuals I figured out that the piano should send the midi information by two commands:
- Panel/status Transmit
- Initial setup Send
Starting with the first: it send a midi message that
- does work if sent back
- is completely not understandable for me why it works
The command is e.g.
x"F0 43 0 7C 0 32 43 4C 20 20 43 4C 50 27 30 35 31 31 0B 17 0 0 1 0A 0A 1 2 0A 0A 0 0D 36 0A 1 1 0A 0A 3 2 2 2 2 0 0 0A 0 2 40 3 3 78 0 0A 0 0 0 54"
(tab = space)
I recognize parts of the numbers reading the Data Format documents, but I cannot interprete it according to the formats of the system messages. Actually it does change the settings of the keyboard panel and is the only command that does that.
With other simple commands I can set effects as reverb etc., like:
0xF0 0x43 0x10 0x4C 0x02 0x01 0x00 0x03 0x10 0xF7
(when I wrote this I did not know the x"" notation)
I could not get the change voice command working until today, when I realized that the voice is only changed for the midi coming in from the PC and not for the keyboard internally (first long command does that,…)
I question I still have is around the voice changing with MSB, LSB and Program Change numbers, e.g. MSB = 0, LSB = 122 and P.C. =1.
The midi monitor shows as below, changing to 0,122,1
I hoped that this would correspond to
And that actually works, for the midi incoming form the PC.
I use midi.banked_program_change(1,15621) as this number is listed in the first image. Program_change(1,5) to change to program 5 on channel 1. Does anybody understand why the number 15621, 3D05H (5 probably for program 5)
The first picture mentions controller fine 122, is that somehow hidden is the 15621?
I realize that I’m not very knowledgeable in this field and probably ask the wrong questions. Hopefully someone can help me to understand this all better,
thanks, Joop