Constant/metronomic popping using Neural DSP amp sim

Hey guys,

I am trying to run my guitar/voice from my Focusrite Scarlett 2i2 interface, through Voicemeeter Potato, and into Cantabile for VSTs. It seems to be working fine with all my VSTs except for the main one I want to use, Archtype: Gojira by Neural DSP. Whenever I load that VST, I get a regular/metronomic popping sound (about 158bpm) chopping up my signal. As soon as I disable the plugin, it stops. All other plugins seem to work fine without popping, and the NDSP plugin works fine in standalone mode, just not when loaded as a VST in Cantabile.

I’ve tried changing just about every setting I can think of in Cantabile. Any suggestions?



Actually, this seems to happen with all of my Neural DSP amp sims when loaded into Cantabile, not just Archtype:Gojira.

Here’s what my Voicemeeter looks like:

Hi Sheo…welcome to the forum.

Do you still have the problem when not using VoiceMeeter? As in, using headphone jack or direct output of the Focusrite? I would be interested in looking at your outputs within the Cantabile option menu. What ASIO are you using for outputs.

I use the Neural vsts with no problem running in Cantabile. Just a couple of things I’ve run into with Neural plugs: Do not use overclocking, and don’t use 2 instances of the plug, as they can really put a hit on your CPU. Gojira is especially needy. It looks as if you are using Gojira for a voice effect. I would disable it, to see if it is the culprit. If so, there are plenty of good fx vsts that are less needy. Also, is the Delay Effect on? I would check all this before checking VoiceMeeter settings.



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Hey Corky, thanks for the reply!

I have not yet tried using Cantabile without Voicemeeter. I’m not even sure how to do that, because when I try to set up my audio ports and add channels, it seems the only options I have are the IN #1 Left/Right, #2 Left/Right, etc., which are coming out of Voicemeeter.

I tried removing the instance of Gojira I had on the mic, and I’m still getting the crackling on my guitar signal.

Is this what you were interested in seeing?

Oh, I figured it out. You meant running it like this?

Seems to work fine like that!


Yes. Glad you got it going.

I’ve been giving online lessons, using Focusrite 18i8, Cantabile, VoiceMeeter, and Zoom. Here are what my Cantabile settings reflect:

My Main Speakers out are tied to the virtual ASIO, which is used in VoiceMeeter.

So since you are doing fine using just the Focusrite, your settings into, and out of VoiceMeeter need to be linked properly, then I think you will be up and going.

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Interesting, thanks for that. I also plan to use this for lessons over Zoom!

I was using Voicemeeter Potato Insert Virtual ASIO because I thought I needed to, but I see you are using Voicemeeter Virtual ASIO. I want to try using it the way you have it set up, but I’m not sure how to route Voicemeeter using VM-VAIO 1, etc, because I was using the IN #1 from here, when using Voicemeeter Potato Insert Virtual ASIO:

Will post my settings in a few…

Disregard anything in red, as my Focusrite is not in the system at this time.

Just remember, you will also have to change the settings on Windows audio. That was the hardest thing for me to understand…I am Windows audio. :roll_eyes:

In the setup above, my Mic is in the 1st channel, but not broadcasting back to myself…otherwise I would be hearing my voice echoing…not a good thing.

Just some other notes on system tuning: You can back down your buffers to 256 with no perceivable difference. Also, 48k is probably over doing it, unless you have a reason. Setting to 44.1k will work fine (e.g. I use 48k to sync with my Kurzweil, so there are legit reasons). And, unless you have a reason, try to use the factory-provided ASIO driver. ASIO4ALL is really a wrapper for Windows audio, not real ASIO.


Thank you both so much. I managed to get it working using my original settings with Voicemeeter Potato Insert Virtual ASIO. Not sure what exactly I did to make it work, but it’s now working. I fiddled with the Focusrite ASIO driver settings as well as the Voicemeeter buffer size and the Cantabile audio settings, but I think they all ended up back at the default values that they were set to before…so I’m really not sure why it’s working now. I disabled one of my KS driven hardware outputs because I realized I didn’t need it, so perhaps that somehow helped. I apologize if this post doesn’t end up being very helpful to anyone else in the future.

I’m want to try adjusting the buffer size, but I’m afraid it’s going to screw it up. These things seem so incredibly fragile. For example, changing a buffer size can mess it up, but then reverting to the old buffer size doesn’t fix it. So I don’t want to mess with it now, lol.

My last (I hope) issue is that Zoom seems to degrade/compress the audio quality. Things sound great to me when I play through my speakers/headphones, but when I go to “test mic” through zoom, with all audio processing / noise cancelation / etc. options disabled, the audio sounds worse, particularly with distorted guitar.

Is that just an unavoidable aspect of Zoom’s inherent audio processing?

My audio settings in Zoom.

Our resident VoiceMeeter guru, Terry Britton has produced several great videos on the subject.