Chord-per-key plug-in?

I have a need to map each of my keys to a completely different chord of up to 8 notes. I used to have a plug-in that did this, but I can’t recall what it was. Does anyone know of a VST plug-in to achieve this?

Scaler makes this easy.

I’m not sure this is what I need. I don’t need to be given chords. I want to define a set of notes to be triggered by each key on my keyboard.

These are the two plugins I use:

For quick and easy chords in a simple interface

Clunkier but deeper editability, such as assigning different channels per note generated

There’s CodeFN42’s Chordz and PIZ made one called midiChords. The Code42 is available at their website and the PIZ I uploaded a while back to the forum for a utility rack I made. It is at the link below.

CodeFN42 Notemapper might work (NoteMapper ( @Brad also has this function (map one midi note to multiple midi notes) on Trello Up Next list. That would be a great internal midi function for Cantabile instead of using VSTi’s.

It can do exactly this I.e. you can assign arbitrary chords to individual keys. For example I have bass pedals where each pedal holds down a pad chord of my choosing

Thanks all. I think Chordz looks ideal.

To which plugin are you referring for your bass pedals? I use bass pedals extensively and am curious.

As far as cantabile and plugins are concerned bass pedals send note on/off messages just like a keyboard controller; there’s no difference. Specific plugins are per song, so for one it will be a prophet 5 vst playing chords (via scalar), another would be triggering a step sequencer by the pedals.

Sorry, I wasn’t clear. What VSTi plugin are you using to take a single midi note from the bass pedals to multiple notes (chords) to send to sound generating plugin? I’ve been using Code Fn42 notemapper, but multiple instances can be problematic when shutting down Cantabile. Brad has in Trello to add this function internally to Cantabile. Right now, there is a single note to single note mapper internal to Cantabile.

Oh, using scalar, seems to be more flexible than some of the free ones, and more stable than some.

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I take it back. The PizMidi midiChords is by far the simplest and most flexible solution.

Scaler I find completely confusing. I think it’s just too big a sledgehammer for the nut I’m trying to crack.


Our keyboard player is going to be out for the next 6 weeks. I was thinking of getting my Elka bass pedals out and programming some chords/pads for several of our songs. So PizMidi midiChords is the way to go?

Check out CodeFN42 Notemapper, also. It’s a matrix entry window for the entire keyboard.

I recommend RipChord (also free and open-source) over Chordz or PizMidi-midiChords. I’ve used all three for years, but Chordz and midiChords both have bugs (stuck notes) that never seem to get fixed, whereas RipChord has never failed me.

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I’ve found midiChords to be reliable, but Ripchord has a cleaner interface. Thanks for this one.

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RipChord is new to me, will check it out