Changed MIDI bindings based on state

Hi, I’ currently have Cantabile setup to bind to a number of amp simulators based which are dynamically switched based on program change signals sent through a MIDI Commander foot pedal. This is working pretty well but only if I have a preset ready to go. I’m still in the process of finding the tons I’d like to use and have started the process of binding the knobs on my Novation LaunchKey to the individual amps. This is working, but I’ve found there is no way to bind knobs per state.

I.e. if I have amp 1 loaded I’d like the knobs to correspond with it’s settings, while if I have amp 2 loaded I’d like amp 1 to be ignored in favor of amp 2. Is there a way to do this? It would make it much more convenient for me to dial in tones as I experiment.


You can use the “Enabled” property of the bindings to activate / de-activate them per state. So create bindings for both amp plugins, but only enable one set of them per state.

Awesome. I had tried this before, but hadn’t quite figured out the way to change defaults when changing states. Now that I have both figured out it appears to be working.