Change plugin/VST locations / ensure Rack and Rack States keep working SOLVED

Hello, after reinstall my Windows 10 I will reorganize my VST locations.
Very important: I will keep my (linked) racks and rack states keep working.

If I change via “replace plugin” the plugin to the new folder location, the before generated rack states including “selected program” and “entire bank” don’t work.

If I look into the (linked) rack files via Notepad++, I see which VST location was used in the past.
I guess to adjust only the location and “plugin id” via Notepad++ is not enough.
There are also huge amount of data belongs to “plugindata” within in the rack file.

How can I change the plugin location without losing the working rack states?

Ok…I guess I had to know that all the time :slight_smile:
After moving plugins I have only to rescan the plugins.
The racks automatic actualize the location of the plugins.

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