CC mapping from interval to another interval

I am using an SL Mixface for various controlling, and it has two ‘sets’ of settings, so eg. the drawbars can send CC 12 - CC 20 for Set 1 and CC 21 - CC 29 for Set 2. Sometimes I want to combine the two sets, just getting CC 12 - 20 no matter what set I have selected, and I have tried to figure out an easy way to create a single midi filter that transfers from CC 21 - CC 29 to CC 12 - CC 20. Not nine individual mappings, but one single mapping that takes the entire interval. And same issue with the buttons and the knobs, so it started to add up.

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Hi Torsten,

I don’t think you can avoid the individual filter mappings but once they were made they could be saved as a MIDI filter file and then loaded into the routes that needed it. If there is an easier way I don’t know of it.


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Ah, good point about saving it as a file. I’ll try to create a rack that I can reuse, though, but I might definitely save some time by having the mappings saved in a file.

You could also create 2 named ports in options for the SL and set the MIDI filters there. One port with the filters and one without. The just select the route you need in the song.

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Hi Torsten,
the concept you are referring to is very interesting and Dave’s suggestion with the Midi Filters is even more interesting.
Dave, could you maybe go deeper with an example?

Sure Sergio, here is what I meant …

create the 2 ports in options

add the filters to the 2nd port

Use the input routes to turn the filtered route on and off.



Thanks Dave, as you usually do, make it as complicated as it is simple.
And thanks Torsten, for the question.
This development helps me a lot in solving one of my songs.

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Ended up using this neat little trick to manage my 25 mappings. Just finished configuration and initial testing, seems to work nicely.

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