CC changing states

I’d like to change rack states with a CC control. For example I’d like to switch to state A on CC value<60, state B on CC value>60, state C on CC value>120.
The Select State Scaled seemed like a good idea but it is not future proof as it is based on percentage an not absolute numbers. Is there another way to do it?

You can make a small embedded rack, that has one midi in port and two midi out, one called A and one called B. Then you just route the incoming CC to the output ports using a filter to map it from either 0 - 63 to 127 on A or 64 - 127 to 127 on B. And then use bindings based on the A and B outputs.

Edit: oups, didn’t read it carefully, but principle holds. You will need three midi outs, obviously. Sorry.


Hi Matejb,

I got to trying to figure it out and have it stable and came up with this a rack based offering that does what you were wanting and the rack is scalable if you want to add more zones to the controller. You said you wanted 3 zones that controlled the Song or Rack State from a single slider or knob if I understood. It uses a rack with a single MIDI out and MIDI In (I made it linked so it could be shared or loaded as an embedded rack). It has an embedded rack within it (Rack 1) used for processing the slider data input. Since you can choose states easily using PG numbers it was designed to output PG numbers that can be used for State changes. Note that I set the CC# to 96 in the rack for my example and it can be changed to any CC# on all the internal bindings.

This would be where the slider data entered the rack through the 3 bindings. They would split it into 3 zones and set on different MIDI channels with 3 static value outputs and send that data to the embedded rack. These binding target values are all set to “Discard” for the out of range mode.

In the embedded rack you would convert the CC values from the channelized input bindings to PG change numbers.

And to finish the rack you route the “Rack 1” embedded rack to the Linked rack output.

If using it at Song level you would have a binding like this to change the state. It could be used to change rack states as well.

Since I tooled up the rack to figure it out I will post it here for others to modify if they need something like it. You would need to add more bindings and channels for more slider zones if you modified it in that way.

CC Value State Switch.cantabileRack (19.0 KB)




thank you very much for detailed replies! Both examples really helped me understand a few things.
In the end I figured I could do just fine with just a filter “Controller Map” on the midi route, with CC scaled from 0-127 to some arbitary 3 absolute values which represent state programs or index (yes, these are consecutive, which is easily good enough if I just linked states instead of duplicates); and then created a binding with the “Select State by Program” as target.
Thanks and regards,