I am very new to all this ( including playing keyboards ) and just starting to experiment.
The machine I use for running Cantabile 3 is a W10 Surface Pro 4 that I use for a limited selection of other things ( including listening to music ).
However, what I am finding is this;
When I start Cantabile 3 and load in a VST ( something like VB3 ), all plays well until I close down the program and then try to use the machine for something else.
What I then find is that other programs can no longer access the sound device, and should I then re-start Cantabile, the right channel produces a very loud hiss whenever any notes are played.
This is using the devices internal sound card via ASIO rather than driving an external interface device.
Restarting the machine normally has no effect, and up to now, the only way I have been able to reset everything is by doing a hard restart.
I tend to suspect this will come down to a audio driver issue. Definitely need to know what you’re using. By and large, the interanal card is not the way to go, though using ASIO4ALL can do a decent job.
I’d be suspicious of the audio driver too. Make sure you’ve got any available updates for it installed.
Also, it’d be interesting to check Cantabile’s log file to make sure the driver is being correctly cleaned up and unloaded when Cantabile is closed. Try this:
Reset your machine to get things back to normal.
Start Cantabile
From the Tools menu, choose Open Settings Folder.
Close Cantabile.
From the folder opened in step 3, take a look at the file log.txt. You should see something like this:
@FredProgGH I agree 100% with you regarding not the internal card, however I ( did ) find it very useful for quick tests and stuff. Normally I use a Peavey USB-P and a small mixer deck to get the ‘real’ sound out.
@brad All the lines you highlighted are present in the log file, so I guess this point to a driver issue. However the same behaviour is exhibited irrespective of the driver I use.
I am starting to suspect the latest W10 update may have a hand in this somewhere as I don’t remember coming across this with earlier releases.
I would also like to thank everyone for their efforts on this.
I’m running the Creators update here on my dev machine and haven’t had any issues like this with ASIO4ALL. Most likely suspect is the Windows audio drivers I’d say.
This is beginning to look like a Surface Pro 4 problem.
I downloaded the demo versions of Cantabile and VB3 onto my desktop machine which is also running Creators update, and it all works as it should using the windows drivers ( and all others as well ).
I will have to see if I can back-level the machine and keep it well away from any online connection that would allow it to ‘upgrade’
I will keep plugging away at the problem and should I resolve it will post here as it may help others.