Cantabile doesn't see Native Instruments plugins

Hey people,

I just went into a problem:
I’ve set up a new machine with Cantabile and installed Native Instruments Komplete. Unfortunately Cantabile doesn’t “see” them. Of course their DLLs are in the plugin-folder that is also scanned by Cantabile. There are other DLLs inside which are recognized by Cantabile perfectly. Just NI-plugins missing…

If I “browse” for a plugin and choose a NI-DLL, the plugin also loads perfectly.

How to solve this? Kind of strange…


I just realized this is also valid for plugins from Synapse Audio (Dune & The Legend)…

Really, really dumb question. Are the ons not being recognised 32 bit?

When I installed those plugins I set up two folders:

C:\Program Files\Steinberg\64bit


C:\Program Files\Steinberg\32bit

Cantabile looks in
C:\Program Files\Steinberg\

So in theory it should skip the 32bit plugins and sees the 64bit plugins…

Also: If they were 32bit, Cantabile would not even able to load them if I browse for the manually… but Cantabile loads them perfectly.

No worries, just was worth asking :slight_smile:

I missed the fact that you can browse manually for them.

Have you tried getting Cantabile to do a full rescan of plugins as opposed to a quick scan?

yes… sure… :frowning:

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Okay… I’ve rolled back to 3615 (the version before VST3 implementation).

Now Cantabile detects all plugins perfectly.

Installed 3630 (last stable version) = NI Plugins are gone again.

Alright… I can confirm, that 3615 works good while 3616 does not… so I’ll keep 3615 for the moment…

@brad: Can I do something to help you getting this sorted?

This is kind of strange. I have 3633 installed and Legend shows up (I don’t have any NI to test).

Hi. I am currently on build 3627 and I can see ans use both DUNE and Kontakt. Will try updating to latest version later.

Just tried the latest 3633 build as well, and both DUNE and Kontakt are working

Strange. Maybe @brad can enlighten us.


There was a change introduced around that build that changed the way multiple plugins with the same name are handled. Previously, they’d all be added to the database but which one you got on reloading a plugin could be a little random.

So a change was introduced that when multiple plugins with the same filename are present anywhere on the VST path, only the first one found is used - and the order can be controlled by the order of the paths in the VST Path list box using the up/down arrows. However you can’t control the order if both files are under the same folder that’s been added to the VST path.

I’m guessing that you’ve got both 32 and 64-bit plugins in the same folder, Cantabile is probably seeing the 32-bit one first, failing to load it and then ignoring the 64-bit one because it came second.

To fix this, add the x86 vs x64 folders to your VST path separately and put them in the correct order (ie: x64 first if you’re running x64 edition), or leave out the path for the other platform.

Or… I might be completely wrong and I’ve misunderstood the problem, in which case, send me a debug log of a full plugin scan and I’ll check it out.



Thanks! I’ll try it and report back.

That works very well :slight_smile: Thanks!

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Hi All,

I have installed a lot of plugins while getting a feel for Cantabile and what the various plugins can do and also came across this issue and worked out I could load the plugins that didn’t show automatically.

I read @brad 's reply and understand why Cantabile does this.


(… I have a common folder for the plugins and two folders, one each for the 32 and 64 bit versions of plugins.
BUT… only used them for plugin installs that had the two versions.

Does anyone know how to tell if a .dll is a 32 or 64bit version?
When I get property details (Win8.1) of the .dll I can’t see any indication of 32 or 64bit.
I have 140 odd plugins to relocate… Lol …)

All sorted.

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You can try to use sigcheck from Sigcheck - Sysinternals | Microsoft Learn

It’s a command line utility that goes like this:


Thanks @Toto
I have sorted them now, but good to know about the sigcheck.