Cantabile Blog Moved to Medium

Hey All,

The Cantabile Blog has a new home on Medium:

All the old content has been migrated over and old urls should redirect to the same articles.

This means:

  1. You can now leave comments again
  2. You can help spread the word about Cantabile by recommending posts there

If you’re not familiar with Medium, I wrote this post to help get you started.

Also, there’s now the possibility for guest posts. If you’d like to write an article that you think might be useful to other Cantabile users just let me know. This could be a walkthrough, tutorial, product review, case study, video, etc… This might prove handy for some of the issues raised here.


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I’ve signed up for Medium and it all looks great.

The “All posts” link is a bit obscure at the bottom in light grey, but now that I’ve found it I’m loving the graphics and layout!

If it is possible to include a link leading to this forum, that might be handy (perhaps with a “Can’t find what you’re looking for here? Search the forum!” kind of thing.)

Can we stick my seldom seen but complete “TouchOSC and Cantabile” post in there? (post 1 + 2)


Hi @terrybritton,

Yep, but I don’t have any control over that (that I’m aware of).

Yep, me too. Medium’s design is really quite nice.

Medium doesn’t support static pages or links in that navigation area. The best I can do is write a post and then link to that post - which is what I did for the “What is Cantabile?” post and there’s a link to here there. I’ll probably refine that nav area over time…

Sure. So you get credited as the author, it’s best if you setup the story. Here’s the best way:

  1. Go to Medium and login to your account.

  2. Click your profile icon in the top right and click “Stories”

  3. Click Import a Story

  4. Copy paste the URL of the forum post:

  5. Click Import, make edits as appropriate and publish the story.

Importing like this is better than copy/paste because it’s a lot easier as it brings all the images over automagically but it also keeps an “originally posted” reference that links back to the forum at the bottom and I think other metadata too.

Once you’ve published, let me know and I’ll send the invite to get the post into the blog. Note that at this point I’ll also have ability to edit the story before publishing it - but I don’t plan to cause too much mayhem here. :slight_smile:


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Thanks for the clear instructions - easy peasy! I’ll post it this morning.


Ok, got that TouchOSC article in there, and I combined the two first posts into one. It was easiest to import the second post having all the graphics, and then paste in the first one.


Thanks Terry - you should have received an email.

Not sure I’m overly happy with this Medium thing. Little much for us old farts to deal with at 4:30 AM…
After trying to “sign up” for the new blog half a dozen times and being told that I’m already signed up (NEWS TO ME) had to sign in with freaking Facebook. YUK! Now I’m here. But here looks to be the old forum. Confusing as hell.
Please just tell me that you will maintain the user forums and keep sending the latest news emails. Everything else blogishly related to multi-login, multi web account, likes, tweets, honks, stomps or farts can go take a running jump as far as I’m concerned…

The move to Medium is only for the blog. The Cantabile website - - and the forum - - are still as before. Its just the blog that’s moved from to

You don’t need to create an account on Medium to read the blog - you only need an account if you want to leave comments, recommend a story or follow something (all things you couldn’t do on the old blog anyway).