Does anyone else have problems with the new SWAM VST? It makes Cantabile unusable because it reacts slowly or not at all to mouse clicks. If I start without the SWAM VST, Cantabile reacts as normal. Do you have any suggestions?
I have no problems with SWAM. Make sure you have tuned up your computer with the Cantabile site suggestions.
Run the profiler in Cantabile while you are loading, and see what is causing the slow down.
If you can screenshot the profiler while in use, and post it here, someone may be able to see where the problem is.
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I have the solo strings, flute, and sax version 3.9.1. They work fine with Cantabile but they definitely have a load issue.
Thanks Corcy and Lorne,
Problem solved. It had to do with my virtual memory settings.
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Glad you fixed it!