Does anyone else have any issues with loading songs that use Kontakt? I use “The Grandeur” running on Kontakt as my main piano sound. About 80% of the time, when I first open cantabile and it automatically loads up a song that uses this, Cantabile goes though the plug in scan, and then I see “loading 1 of 4 plugins” and then it just hangs. Clicking on it gives the dreaded white hanging screen. Even opening up task manager (to try and kill the cantabile porocess) hangs, and then in the end it tells me windows explorer has crashed. Usually the only way out of this is to hold the power button on my laptop down to shut it off…
This may happen 4 or 5 times, and then it’ll work with no problems.
I had problems with scanning all of the NI plugins while using tethering with my cell phone. While tethering was activated, it took FOREVER to scan the plugins. After deactivating all internet connections, it was done in seconds…perhaps your problem is related to that.
I just checked and added an instance of The Grandeur to one of my songs. The setlist, now with 43 plugins, is loading just fine like before. Just checking: did you do a batch resave for The Grandeur in Kontakt?
Definitely try re-saving the patch. This sounds like something else though. What version of Windows is it? BTW I always keep my wi-fi adapter turned off unless I’m updating something. Those processes running in the background scanning for connections and the like, even if not actively connected, cause issues.
Could it be that Kontakt is trying to find the samples corresponding to the patch being loaded, but not finding them for some reason, so bringing up a message box that’s hidden behind the main window, or something like that?
I think when @brad sees this, he’ll likely ask you for a copy of your log file, which should indicate what’s happening from Cantabile’s perspective. See here for details.
The only thing about that is then it shouldn’t ever load the patch unless you point it to the folder where the samples are. Unless it’s doing a search but the search would take the same amount of time each load. Win10 is a landmine of processes that need to be terminated to work well as a DAW. I bet all that’s happening is there’s something running which is a total hard drive hog and Kontakt can’t load until it finishes. Probably just need to find out what that is and kill it.
I thought it might be some long delay so I left it for over an hour the other night. Still hanging. I’m going to trawl through the log file and see if it gives me any more information
Apologies - I just pasted some logs, but I realised that I had unplugged my midi to usb adapter. So it’s not going to give decent log results. I’ve deleted the post and I’ll reboot my laptop and run the log scans again.
The log file is telling you that you should send me your Seaboard Rise
Seriously though, I agree, that doesn’t look right. Kontakt/The Grandeur might be a red herring. Do you get the same problems if you unplug your USB MIDI devices? If that seems to work fine (except for not finding your MIDI devices), you could try changing your USB cables…
Is Kontakt up to date? I realized that Kontakt can not be updated anymore with the old NI service center. I needed the newest version for a library to work correct (The Canterbury Suitcase). I had to change to the new NI Access. After that I was able to update to the newest version.
ok - the scan of midi devices happens every few seconds even when it’s working, so I think that’s another red herring! It’s part of the software.
I’ve just rebooted a number of times and it’s all worked every time. The only difference from before when it nearly always failed is that I have console and verbose logging turned on. I’ll keep on rebooting and see if I can get it to fall over again.
Do you use the machine for stuff other than Cantabile/music, like web surfing and such? It’s tough to say what’s going on but I would start a seek-and-destroy mission on every running process that’s not integral to running Cantabile and see if you can pinpoint something that’s causing the issue, including unnecessary Windows processes.
Nothing to add to the above except to re-inforce Neil’s command about message boxes appearing behind Cantabile’s main window. I’ve seen Kontakt do this plenty of times (Kontakt doesn’t seem to set the message box’s parent window causing it to float to the back) and it can be really hard to find it sometimes. Also, because it’s modal it locks up Cantabile’s main window. Try alt tabbing, minimizing windows, checking the task bar etc…
Since I turned on the console and verbose logging and then rebooted I haven’t had the problem. Everything just loads straight away. Must have tried about 5 or 6 times now and all working fine. I’ll keep on trying to replicate the issue and as soon as I do I’ll post the logs on here.