Cantabile 2 vs 3 differences?

I’m trying to figure out the differences between the two versions and I have not managed to find a place where they are explained, there is a place where it is clearly explained?
I was going to buy Cantabile 2 (139 €) and now I see that the price has gone up a lot and I wonder how they differ and if the price increase offset me.
Sorry if it has been answered somewhere.
Thank you.


The increased price reflects the introduction of a grace period where if you buy now, you’ll also get v3 when launched.

As for the differences, I haven’t actually written this up specifically yet, but there is this overview. Most features from v2 have been implemented in v3 but not all. Some features will be done by launch (eg: media player time syncing), some features aren’t going to be implemented (eg: program organiser) and some features will be done later - probably in a much improved way (eg: morph and randomize tools).

Having said that, Cantabile 3 includes a ton of improvements and new capabilities over v2 - if you like v2 I doubt you’ll be disappointed with v3.


Hi Brad.

I’ve been using Cantabile 2 for a year now and from what I can tell the sound quality is great! I was wondering if the sound engine quality in Cantabile 3 is the same or better than V2? A few of my guitar friends are using a Gordius module running through either Studio One or Samplitude as the DAW. With no actual comparison to base quality off of I was wondering how Cantabile’s sound engine matched up with one of those two. I was actually trying to sell the idea of Cantabile to them but I don’t understand the software programming layer under the hood. Any chance you could shed some light on this for me?


Hi Matt,

The sound quality between v2 and v3 should be identical. The underlying routines that perform sample mixing haven’t changed in any significant way.

Cantabile doesn’t really do much that would affect sound quality (except resampling of audio media files). Audio quality will mostly be determined by the plugins you’re using and the audio hardware you’re using.
