Can't delete setup 3135

Hi there,
I have the “SetupCantabile-3135” file on the desktop of my PC (Windows 10). I want to delete it because I am using a newer version. When I try to delete it, appears a message that says it can not be deleted because it is open. In the task manager (Details tab) there are the files “SetupCantabile-3135-exe” and “SetupCantabile-3135.tmp” both running. But it does not allow me to finish their tasks. I restart the PC but those files still remains in that state, so I still can not delete it.
What can I do?

Hi Gustavo,

Try reinstalling 3135 setup and see if it can complete setup while monitoring the task manager. If it completes the setup program and the process terminates when you are done then you can try deleting the setup program. You may want to uninstall the latest version you are using now first. I haven’t seen this before but I think this is where I would start.


Hi Gustavo,

I’ve not heard of this before - sounds like the installer got stuck on something. What I don’t understand is why they’re still running after restarting. Are you sure you’re doing a full reboot and not just going to sleep mode and back?


Hi Dave,
Windows 10 brings a new surprise every restart… I restarted it once again, and now I deleted the file without problems…
Thank you by your suggestions
Best regards

Hi Brad, as I said to Dave, the problem is solved. Just I needed a second reboot… It isn’t the first time that Windows 10 left me confused… but all work fine by now…
Thank you by your attention.
Best regards,