Can I use Cantabile to clean up my microphone for video calls/streaming?

Im using sE Electronic se2200 microphone with Focusrite Scarlett 4gen Solo audio interface for some live streaming but also for just plain video calling on my PC and I would like to remove some Plosives/Breathing/Reverb etc. via some VST/VST3 plugins.
Was trying to do it with just Cantabile Lite (if I need paid version, no problem) with routing my main microphone input (via Focusrite USB ASIO) into loopback channel but without success, do I have to use ASIO4ALL for this? Is VoiceMeeter really required for such a simple task?

So far I’m using Equalizer APO and technically that does work, BUT performance is quite bad and I have over 50ms of latency, and on top of that VST plugins are really unstable, crashing all the time isn’t fun :cry:

I think that to start you have to consider that it is, in fact, not a simple task.

For streaming I believe OBS supports VST plugins. There’s also the ReaStream plugin that can be used to route audio signals between supported apps within the same computer. Not sure how well that would work for video calling, though.

You mention latency as well as removing reverb. Most decent audio restoration plugins are not meant to be used real-time and will introduce significant latency anyway.

I have done something similar as a hallowe’en joke for an office meeting where I dressed up as a monster and processed my voice using Ovox, but all in a separate computer for the processing and connecint that computer to the line-in of the video call computer.

Then there are pragmatic solutions: plosives can be tamed with a pop filter or alternative mic placement, breathing can be attributed to your technique or mic placement, reverb can be handled with some acoustic treatment (could be a simple as hanging some blankets from mic stands off camera).

Best of luck.